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Old plug

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Everything posted by Old plug

  1. Recently I been reading here and there about how smart bass are. Myself I do tend to think they are one of the stupidest of what we got swimming in the ozarks in the ozark. You will see all this stuff about colors action and everything else. Like how easy they see your line etc. I have caught to many bass repeatedly to think otherwise. I have caught dock bass up to 21 inches on the same artificial bait up to several times. As a matter of fact my son and I both caught one 171/2 inches just last week. on successive days. On the SAME [not same type} plastic worm he caught his on. Nothing very smart there. All that bass really did was follow his instincts and the surrounding factors that made him do it. Time and enviorment. Bass are predators they react. If there is no need they will pay you about as much attention as your family cat. t
  2. Take those cut shad cut shad hunk and cut them in to 3/4 " size and hook them on a 1/2 oz spoon and jig them off the bottom. Assuming you have a depth finder and a trolling motor keep moving on those spots. Sitting in one spot and soaking bait is about the worst way to handicap yourself.
  3. Well just hang on. There is a time comin when you will be able to blast away. If this fool keeps it up in Washington were going to have a full revolution. All his great americans will all be picking up there weapons and going forth to Clean up the swamp with no idea of who are where the swamp is or just how tuff those people are in the swamp. A old Marine SGT once told we nobody is combat ready till them been thru it. Awlaf lot of folks that are considered part of the swamp know al about that already
  4. Wrench is getting old that is what it is. Also been acting some what domesticated. You need to understand that Mitch and be patient with him
  5. I know the family. I fish with Herb her husband now and then. He is a troller however and I do not do that. I know Her Herb and Her Sally Berry and her husband Hunter Berry the best. Sally sings with her mother in the band with Hunter and also has released a Gospel album just recently. The Debo player Bret Burke is married to her other daughterTinsel. I do not know much about those last two.They are all very very nice, God fearing people down home types. Rhonda is a crappie troller with Herb. Hunter is a Catfish man as well. He caught a 18lb Blue last fall here.
  6. Well thank you old friend. I know your a river man. I was too at one time. I have often wondered just what could beckon with that thing casting upstream and letting it roll the bottom into a deep hole Maybe let it swing around straight down before you retrieved it. Not all the fish are in Rootwads I do not think. What I showed you has been amended and amended again. I no longer use q lot of line. Now days it is maybe 12 to 14 inches from the top swivel to the weight on the end I keep my barrel swivel within a inch or so of the hook. It that simple.
  7. You do not understand it because you do not live here and see it. I watched 3 patrol boats set up a safety check here on the Gravois earlier this year. # boats 3 patrolmen. all they stopped was one pontoon boat in 2 hours. Then all went up too the restaurant bar in the cove for longer than they did the bogus safety check.
  8. Well it felt every bit like setting on a butt seat out in the water in a boat. That cn be a real scary as well. I been knocked off of it a few times
  9. Let me set up the scene. About a week before 4th of July I stumbled ( I mean that LITERALLY)on a weird way and dangerous way to catch a few bass I averaged two or more keeper bass (Top was 5) a outing walking local docks using a drop shot between 1 and 4 in the afternoon . The wakes were so bad I had to grip my arm around a handy pole many times to fish. And it continues to this day. My son was here this weekend to leave his kids off a week. He does not drop shot. He fished a 9" plastic worm. In this terrible heat and with some wakes crashing over the top of the dock floors. He managed to catch 4 Bass 3 !/2, 2 !/2 end a couple shorts. The 3 1/2 one was in about 6 ft of water under the spot where the ramp joined the dock. Crazy experience but I will not forget it happened. Not sure what will cause nice bass to come in in conditions like that. I will not forget it though. Old dogs really can be taught new tricks
  10. When you take a state trooper out of hie air conditioned and heated car and put him on a lake. I think he resents it. Besides he is not accustomed to it and does not wants to do it either. . Maybe they choose whoever has to ride the boat like some punishment S____ detail. So he is going to shirk more than enforce. In the days when there were two you had brunch of patrolmen that were on the water because thats what they chose to be. Most of them had been in and around boats their whole life. I only seen one patrolman in the Gravois this whole weekend and have yet to see the coast guard anytime since they announced they were going to CLEAN UP LOZ.. When you look at the number of BWI cases they charging I firmly believe the whole law enforcement deal is nothing more than a sham. They are controlled by the legestature who is controlled by money. And in turn really it is the money that makes the enforcement
  11. Well if I continue down this road with my arms and shoulders. I think the tackle and fish might be tl much for me to handle
  12. That is pretty detailed as to where to fish Champ. Now all they need to know is what way and what time. I think I will just have to stumble trhu my own instincts and ubntil they ever do.
  13. Maybe I was serious If I recall Friday was first night past full moon. Fish dropped down her one LOZ as well. always does
  14. Maybe it was the moon
  15. I spent the better part of the day recently Looking for my teeth. Sweat popping out of my forehead worried about the cost of a new se. I finally found them in my shirt pocket.
  16. I would love to do that Mitch. I kind of thought you guys would have your annual get together out here at the same place. I cannot fish many hours and using anything like a crank bait is not going to happen. I also do not fish the drop shot like I did then. I use a lot shorter rig. I pretty much am stuck using the plastics pitching and drop shooting. Got another suggestion for you to mold and market; It is a 6 inch or 6 1/2" Wacky.worm about 1/2 to 5/8 inch thick. I just bought 40 of them close to those dimensions from Big Bite Baits. There're people I know out there that do very well using a wacky worm flipping it Texas style or on a jig.Now that said I might be dead by sundown. One last note Mitch my Friend Rhonda is moving down here. And will be my neighbor across the lake by the end of the month. At least she will be when she is not running all over the world. A real fine down to earth lady
  17. It is the constant flushing out of Truman causing it. Do not know about night but during the day I would advise you to buy a bunch of those very bright green trick worms I was using them on a drop shot the other afternoon. soon as I switched to them it was like turning on a light switch.
  18. I am pretty much limited In the amount of time I can be out in the evening. if I can get in2- 3 hours in the evenings. Using my drop shot and a Monster kriet worm 10lbs is not hard at all. This year has seen a whole lot of 3 lb fish in this lake.
  19. Here is part of the score from last week ends tournament.Herevis the top 10. Not bad for a old ugly sewage ditch is it. 24-9 23-3 20-15 2013 20-4 19-14 19-9 19-8 18-15 18-10
  20. Getting muddy in the Gravois. I guess its that way all over the lake. Truman is trying to get a to of water out of there. I think that is where it is coming from. It does not look though like the water shed of the Mississippi up north is going too cooperate 2with letting the river get lower. I suspect this water control is going to get worse as the years got by
  21. NAH not that hard. Just get big bag of pork rinds and some cold beer He might ev en purr for you
  22. Back in the day some folks on low use to inforce it with a deer rifle. I think history repeats itself
  23. I still would have to see( with me standing there watching it and measuring itI to believe it. My son is a Surf fisherman. His rod is 12ft long. I know what 50 yards is. I mow it a couple times a week. It does not matter really. There is a old saying 90% of the fish or caught by 10% of the fishermen. On LOZ you can bet that 10% are real good at flipping and pitching. What would be the practical fishing purpose of it anyway sneaking up on the fish??? I do not think so. I caught a 5Lb bass last week and he never got any further than 15 ft from my boat except when he was making a run.
  24. Now Tell me all about the rest of the setup your casting to 47 yards with.By that I mean line, test, weight your throwing length of your rod and its action .If I sound like I doubt you I do and also the picture of someone allegedly casting 450ft
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