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Old plug

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Old plug

  1. During WW2 there was a saying.loose lips sink ships. There is liable to be some people's round here that would like to sink a kayak after that post.
  2. There are a Lot of knowledgeable fIshemen on LOZ that will tell you the best bass fishing is in the hottest part of the day at 25 ft. I believe that is very true. I myself fish when the sun starts to sink till almost dark. Anytime though if we're getting a good rainy dark day.
  3. It goes on everywhere. A lot of ock owners up here have spy cameras on there docks.
  4. Well that is news to me and I bet it is to a lot of people out here do not know that.
  5. Yep that is exactly what happens. There are so any structural problem with those places it's best to tear them down and start over. But sewage problems are something they are going to address along water ways. There is a lot if resistance to it but it is going to happen. We got sewers this year.
  6. A lot of the success with lights is the waters around them and what's under those waters. In Missouri you are not allowed to submerge a light. A lot if pople plant brush here on the lake and put lights on the dock pointing into the water above the brush. I am not sure that is better than just turning on the dock ceiling lights. With the creation of the new low wattage draw lights a 100 watt bulb only draws 25 or 26 watts. I have 6 of them on my dock and can control them in 3 separate groups. They do draw a billion bugs. But I can turn on 2 on one side and go stand I the dark on the other side. It has been my experience that I catch most if my fish at the edge of where light turns to darkness.
  7. Something like a fettish you might say.
  8. The reason for that Mitch is some just do not care and others are forced into that kind of life. For others it is the way they grew up. My own home small 1400 sq ft home would bring between 250-300k if I sold it. I bet most of those Cabin's along the river do to have proper sewage disposal either. You can bet it winds up in the river. Septic system are not really workable along streams and lakes.
  9. Mitch I have no doubt the river would provide some good fishing. I just do not like crowds in spite of where I live.
  10. I am in my 74th year Phil. Your time will come but staying active will help you. I still keep up my little host pant collection( over 100 varieties) besides all the other stuff we have spread around this place including another smaller collection of Coral Bell plants. The thing is it is keep the mind busy. You run your own business it will keep you younger.
  11. It could have been a rope lure ,but the one I was using was made from nylon shipping straps that were given to me by wrench. He designed a fly type that is different. All I did was add weight and bulk to his design to use with bait casting.
  12. YEP Nathan remember those two words rough fish. I just got through about 45 minutes ago roughing it up with a 38"er. Thst was bing very much the rough fish. How do you guys measure them from tail to end of snout. ??? That is what I did this evening. Also I have 18 1/2 ft Tracker Targa. Being a deep V it does presents some problem with landing at times. If you forget your landing net as I did this evening how do you safely land them. This one the evening was not as nasty as the big one I caught last week. I had no idea though how I was goIng to get it into the boat safely. Finally got him so tired I decided that I was going to pick him up by the snout. I got my hand on it hand he took off in another run. Finally he got very tired and I slipped my gaff around his pictorial fin and lifted him out.
  13. I might have liked be but I stay in nylon fishing shirts through the hot weather.cotton make me smll like a cross between a hog house and a turkey barn. I can change and use up 3 or 4 t shirts in a day.
  14. Yeah I know gramps. There is times I think about leaving LOZ. I have found drug needles floating near my dock after a weekend of the rich and privileged running around here drunk and disorderly. It's not all but it is sure a lot f themand it is getting worse.
  15. They are also battlers. A very worthy game fish that has never been realized yet. I learned a lot about them just this week.people seem to think they just older through the water and eat with no thinking. I have a notion they think plenty. And might. E a challenge to catch a lot of the time.
  16. About 50 yrs ago I started fishing the Meramec river spending most of my time between the birds nest and onadaga. My wife's people settled that area of the state and founded the baptist church in the Steelville. and one if her ancestors was a circuit rider preacher. I loved the area. I loved to be out on the river. A long time ago I wrote a story for the Missouri conservationist called The River of Surprise. My wife family all passed and we got busy with other things and it has been many many years since I have even seen the river. Recently we had reason to go back to Leasburg. And before we left I wanted to take a ride down and see the river. I did not like what I seen. The place was loaded with people tubes, canoes, a massive campground. Beer cans and such all over the place. I sure did not need to see that. I get enough of summer people destroying things around my home here. It made me feel like visiting a very sick old friend. It was a real river of surprise this time. I will not be going back
  17. Old plug

    Fish Thumbs

    It IS a green sunfish have caught millions over the years. See the yellow boarder on the tail and fins . That is a dead giveaway.
  18. I never heard of little Indian creek in St Charles when I lived there. Only place know that goes by that name is in LOZ. Off the Gravois Arm.
  19. Nope did not take it home. I have caught them on plastic worms in the past and caught a monster a few days back on one. I told wrench about it and learned to my surprise people were catching them on fly rods. I wont be using a fly rod. Instead more than likely i wil be using a 6 ft light action ugly stick bait casting rod that I bought the first year they were ever sold. I will be doing my fishing for them during the slow period of fishing for other stuff. I have caught many many big catfish on that little up to to 48 lbs On that rod using a spoon and a old reel. The big thing is I got something to mess with and try to analyze. I enjoy that part in fishing as well. Sorry about the typos. I hate this IPad. It has a mind if its own I do not understand that after in read back it can still insert words and things I never typed. My advice to anyone thinking about buying one is DON'T DO IT. Sometimes you do not even have to touch the keys on the board. If you wave you finger or styles to close to a key or something else it just might pick it up and plant it in your message. It is a real pain but it was given to me and I am stuck with it.but it is a god send if you cannot hear a phone and you like to talk with your kids and grandkids. You have to type very slow to avoid a problem and even then it might do something.
  20. I caught a small gar about 4 hrs ago on a lure I made from a hunk of nylon strap I got from wrench this morning. First cast and I gave it and couple small soft jerks and he nailed it. This was on a bait casting outfit. I have arthritis in my shoulders and a fly rod would put some hurting on me. I may try it on a light spinning rod though. I imagine I will be doing this With some regularity. They are real batterers.
  21. Well I been thinking about this. I caught one a couple evenings ago as long as my leg and about 8 " in DIa. With the other fishing in the pits around here I think I am going to give them a shot. Wrench I was just putting on my shirt to come up there and jaw with you a but about this gar fishing stuff.
  22. Yeah AL it was a terrific river for walleye 30 yrs ago. Sometimes they bunch up below the darn. I know used to know someone down there that has caught a few 10 lbs on the black in the area of the darn below Clearwater Dam. Have not been down there in over 20 yrs. I do not think I would like it now that there are jet boats. I get enough boat disruption on this circus I live on.
  23. Better yet keep the political stuff OFF a fishing forum.
  24. People you are not NEVER NEVER going to replace state and locale sales taxes with federal taxes. They have states rughts abd among them is the power to tax. To even think that the federal government would dare to suspend state and locale taxes is totally absurd. Research The question. Myself I am about done with this forum I did not come on here for this kind of crap.
  25. Let me tell you something about the evil rich and class warfare Brian. You may not be old enough to remember the song made famous by Tennessee Earnie Ford. It was about mining coal and never getting out of debt to the company store. It was true it was not just a story. My father like all his brothers went down into the mines at the ripe old age of 6. He never got a darn penny in wages. They lived far out in IL and there was not Wally World are anything else around to go shop in. You had to buy what you needed and rent your living quarters from the coal Co. They over charged for everything. When John L Lewis came along the coal companies did not deal with it in a civilized manner. They brought in thugs ,baseball bats , guns and used them all. When someone would start talking about working conditions and he would not be there the next day. They would tell people he quit and left the night before. When that came up ,my uncle used to say that the grain fields of southern IL grew on the bones of miners. It was a exaggeration I'm sure but I am sure it happened as well. Then there was my mother she worked as a seamstress in St. Louis.they used to lock them in the shops in the morning and leave them out one time a day for a very short time. The rooms were crowded and either had no windows are else they were not allowed to open in the summer. Women would pass out in those darn places and the management would blame them and fire the for it. You will have to kill me before you will ever get me to accept that again. I do not have anything against a person wealth. I live in a area full of wealthy people. My neighbor is a millionaire several times over. We are good friends. but I am nowhere close to being anything that can be called wealth. I saved all my working life to wind up living on this lake. If a wealthy person has EARNED his wealth thru hard work and honesty he is be admired. But if he cheat people, uses them are causes hardships to other for his own personal gain he is no better than the person who sticks up a service station with a gun. In both cases they cause damage to our society. I am not sure what one deserves the longest prison time.
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