Only after we stole the land they had lived on for over 10,000 years. But it wasn't just Oklahoma we/ our forefathers stole North America from them and what would happen if something like that was to happen in our society today?
Great report Bill. Wish I had gas money to put my boat on the water. These DANG bills keep coming in and since injured my back two years ago I haven't had my boat on the lake but twice. Yes I am bumming but I try to keep a smile on my face.
I have some 22 ammo to sell if anyone is tired of standing in line at stores. Remington,Wincheste,and some CCI. Also.g $12 per 100,will break them down in any am out you need. Call Scott at 417 583-2552
I would like to have some of your old warts and especially any with a clear bill. V86 ,V63, V54 or watermelon red I would pay dearly for any of the above colors.
Thats my go to color when using jerks to catch fish,unless the sky is bright and sunny then i have to have something a little lighter in color and more flash. Great bait tho. Super pics of some of TRL finest fish. That spot is a tank.
Was your better fish caught on the 10" worm or shaky head? Possibly the creature bait? How deep was the better fish? Nice bag and congrats on your trip Unimog.
Best i have caught was an 8-12 caught in 1998 Aunts creek on 4" salt craw in Junebug color in about 4' of water and it was around 10:00 PM. how is that for detailed memory. cant tell you what i ate for lunch yesterday
Thanks for the info. I agree with you Jason,fish are scattered in depth and I believe most are done spawning on TR. Sounds like you have had some quality fish as well. Any on single spin? I use to catch some big ones at night on a black single spin with a pork frog trailer in blue or black. I believe the night bite will just get better in the weeks to come.
I pour my own shaky heads for myself and a few friends. I came across some lead at the right price and will pour you some cheaper than most stores sell them for. I use Mustad hooks and can make 1/16 oz. thru 5/8 oz. I also can paint the heads with a powder coated paint that is very tough. I use a spring style bait holder that attaches to the hook before it is poured and holds your favorite Plastics great. Or if you prefer I can leave the bait holder off which I recommend if using the Z-man elastic plastics. Call for pricing on large orders, 3 dozen or more. Otherwise they sell for $8.00 a dozen unpainted and $12 a dozen for painted heads. Call Scott at 417-827-6987 leave a message if I can't answer and I will return your call same day if possible.