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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Crab season opened on the 1st. Sue got out yesterday and caught a couple yesterday. She and Livie found a ravioli form at a local thrift store. So hand made crab stuffed ravioli and a prepared cut salad. Win for me since I didn't even have to make a fruit salad 😉.
  2. Not for a friend. I am way less wise than the average poster in this thread. One of those ding a ling young buck smart guys still !
  3. FIFY
  4. Nice Drum! Dave did you sight fish it or did stripping in the jig get its attention?
  5. And miles - I'm pushing almost 2500 miles travelled thus far. Then there is my wife's patience
  6. Before starting this quest, I created a couple of lists; probables, and possibles that make up about 75% of the target species. Then there are highly targeted species that I have wanted to catch for some time, e.g., sauger, yellow bass, winter flounder, bantam sunfish, etc.. Roughly half of the fish on my lists are minnows. Simply way more micro and mini fish available than the standard game or large rough fish not to target them. I anticipate that many of the new lifelist species that I catch this year will be minnows, darters, etc.
  7. Just a couple of problems with this suggestion. 1) PetSmart doesn't have 50 species of fish for sale. 2) The last time I tried snorkel fishing there I got kicked out. They said that they would not let me pick out the ones that I wanted for them to net. So I tried to get them myself. Talk about poor customer service.
  8. Starting to feel that we are finally getting some traction for this year.
  9. 22) Mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus. got the photos from Livie . Small juvenile female. I was thankful that it was not a mosquitofish which are also common in this spot.
  10. Sounds like a great day of catching!
  11. Went out over the weekend to try and catch up to @FishnDave with some golden shiners of my own. The pond where we catch the most is now being covered over by lilies. Those aren't waves. Almost unfishable entirely, but certainly in the spots where we have caught the most G shiners. May have to dust off the old belly boat to get to open water.
  12. Tell your friend congrats on a really nice crappie!
  13. Congrats Jim on a big crappie! Looks like she's got a full belly of eggs.
  14. JF 21) Blue catfish, Ictalurus furcatus
  15. Livie 20) Channel catfish
  16. Livie 19) Blue catfish, Ictalurus furcatus considered as an invasive in MD. They were introduced into the James River in VA to establish a trophy fishery.. Maybe they thought that the brackish water of the bay would contain them. But the juveniles indicate that they are already established throughout the rivers surrounding the bay.
  17. JF 20) Channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus A bit out of order from time caught but need photos from Livie's phone 🙄. Yes that is a gob of worms 😅
  18. Livie 18) Mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus
  19. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Love the purple deviled egg. Very nice, but not as good as that fruit salad looks
  20. Actually both look similar enough to be the same species. Just slight variations of same theme.
  21. That's a white sucker mouth. Did they all look like this one? Below is a black redhorse mouth. The white sucker has that stippling on the lower lip whereas the black does not. The one with the big belly just seems to be a white sucker full of eggs. Below are the photos of the big white that I caught in Taneycomo. The body shape and head to me looks like all of the ones that you are questioning - not including the golden redhorse and the northern hog sucker. As an FYI - According to Fishmap, the white river down to Buffalo city and it's tribs are within the distribution range for white suckers. Not sure that they stay in the creeks for very long as young or adults or move out to the white river as they get older or after they spawn in the creeks.
  22. Bunch of Limeys if you ask me!
  23. Sheesh you have never heard of a towel or washing your hands ! Hopefully Pat make you clean up before meals when you guys are out West
  24. When I read this Billy Madison comes to mind. None if what is presented here applies to the topic of DDT use to control Malaria. But carry on.
  25. Science, budgets, and politics don't often mix. Not much more to be said.
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