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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Congrats to the boys on their birds! Good looking pizza as well😁.
  2. The father of one of my employees died in a nursing home from COVID last Thurs. Only case that I know of that has affected someone that I know..
  3. Developers loved them probably because the bradford pears have that lollypop shape and grow like weeds. As everyone here recognizes they tend to split at the rosette of branches that make up that lollypop shape. As they hit the undeveloped areas, they are a nasty invasive species. The commercially available ones must be a hybrid, because many of the younger trees seem to revert to a parental version that has large thorns. Oh and as @Terrierman stated they might look nice when flowering, but they stink! Tear them all out would be my recommendation. However, they are still being planted in new developments.
  4. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Forgot about mulberries. We do have some trees that we could harvest mulberries without too much consternation. We've never tried mulberry jelly. I do agree that having birds above your vehicles and a tree full of ripe mulberries is a purple mess everyday through the season.
  5. Having the virus does not mean that you end up in the hospital or die from it. The idea of getting it small is to minimize the amount of virus that you are exposed to initially. A smaller amount of virus will take a longer time to build in your system to the point where you are having full blown effects, like the fevers, flu-like systems, lung congestion, etc. The longer it takes for the virus to build to those levels the better able your body is able to develop the antibodies and other immune defense response to the virus. If you get a large amount of the virus, for example an infected person sneezes in your face, then your immune system may not be able to effectively respond in time to the virus before you get really sick. Go back to @snagged in outlet 3 example of exponential growth with the pennies in this thread or one of the others dealing with COVID discussions. Getting it small would be the equivalent of having 100 or 1000 pennies to start with instead of 10 or 100 million pennies. The reason that there are people that are infected but are asymptomatic is probably due to them getting a small exposure to the virus and their immune system was able to fight the infection. The idea behind the insistence of wearing cloth or masks that are not N-95 rated is to minimize the amount of virus that they are exposed to initially. They are not really being used to prevent people from getting the virus.
  6. I remember the great lies in life included the following: The check is in the mail. I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
  7. Here's a couple Contact tracing is imperative to stop the outbreaks of the virus and must be implemented before we can open up the country. It's not not a means to create a Big Brother society with the government legally tracking all of our movement and interactions by our phones and computers. We need compulsory testing of all Americans before we can open up the country instead of common sense guidelines like distancing, hand washing, masks, etc. to minimize the spread of the virus. A vaccine will is absolutely necessary to combat the virus and it will be 100% effective like the flu shots. Herd immunity won't be able to stop the virus because it is too virulent.
  8. I have the best of Dr Hook CD. Listen to it on long road trips😁. And I got more money than a horse has hair. Cause my rich old uncle died and answered all my prayers.
  9. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    looks good Mitch! Happy Bday!
  10. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    I know that MD has raspberries and blackberries. Probably huckleberry in the mountains. Not sure about gooseberries.
  11. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    How does the Billetheadville gooseberry jam go with the sourdough? It has gone great with everything that I have put it on😉.
  12. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Looks good Marty. Love the cast iron shape! Now that it is warmer here may push getting more sourdough going. Our deep Wagner once I am finished seasoning it should make a great bread pan.
  13. Where did you pick up this stock photo Pete😉?!?
  14. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    I have been terrible at bringing home fresh fish lately. So we.picked up some perch filets. We seasoned the fish, salt, pepper, Old bay, and a little lemon juice. Then coated fish with ranch dressing. Cooked at 350 until it flaked. We did catch our first half dozen crabs of the year. I have heard that they are sweeter early in the season. They really are😁! Sue made a pea salad with peas, yellow bell pepper, red onion, and cheddar cheese.
  15. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Looks great Ness! Even looks like a British garden breakfast setting. Just needed a fried tomato and some baked beans.
  16. Looking good so far buddy.. Interested to see how these turn out. I have never had much success with broccoli, cabbage, brussels....
  17. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    So my wife bought a juicer. She's been trying to juice most everything in the kitchen 🙄. There are a couple that I don't mind. Carrot and ginger. I also actually like beet juice. Go figure. Celery is the Le Croix of vegetable juice🙃. We get the juice and the chickens get the pulp. Win win I guess.
  18. I like a few of his songs and the concert was local. Also took her to a whole range of music concerts like CSN, James Taylor, Steve Miller, Ravi Shankar, Jean Pierre Rampal, Ray Charles... Also lots of comedy concerts like Stephen Wright, Sam Kinison, Howie Mandel, Paula Poundstone...
  19. Looks like muskrat love Really were crappy lyrics😝! Side note MD hosts the World championship muskrat skinning tournament. Winner is the one that can completely skin five muskrats in the fastest time. There are lots of muskrats here. Saw at least four today. Back to Captain and Tennille. How did everyone get a variety show? Anyone remember the Shields and Yarnell show. A variety show with mimes🙄. Could only happen in the 70s and 80s.
  20. so Sue has been to two concerts where women would throw underwear at the singer. Barry Manilow and Frank Zappa. Guess which one I took her to see?
  21. And they whirl and they twirl and they tango Singing and Jinging a jango Floating like the heavens above... Whats the next lyric here? I did have to look this up even though kind of was crushing on Tennille. Sailor's hats were cool too😎
  22. The song is Cream's Tales of Brave Ulysses. So the song is about how he was tortured by the sirens song. The tiny purple fishes makes me want to catch a few😁.
  23. nice crappie. Congrats!
  24. Reminds me of another song that ties with the microfishing and a siren's song. I wonder who know this one. The tiny purple fishes Run laughing through his fingers. And you want to take her with you To the hard land of the winter.
  25. We did go crabbing but I couldn't hear her sing 🤔.
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