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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Armadillos have been expanding their range northward. Been seeing them in Columbia over the last five to ten years or so. So I doubt they are moving to avoid noise by heading in the suburbs😁.
  2. Everything that I have seen is that the horned pout is a brown bullhead, Amerius nebulosus.
  3. After the glaciers receded😀.
  4. At least a couple of posts are missing.
  5. She definitely put a new meaning on "the man with the gun of the hand😜!"
  6. Our harvest over yesterday and today😌. Pretty modest pickings bit tasty!
  7. Maybe it was the size of the lake. Back in Missouri I would catch yellow bullheads in a local lake and it also has decent channel and blue catfishing as well.
  8. Almost every Friday for over 5 years my wife and Livie would go with a friend and her daughter to the Amish community in Sturgeon MO north of Columbia. Her friend is allergic to almost everything that you can think of and many other things that she is still finding out that she is allergic. She has gone up there for over 10 years. They would buy produce, baked goods, etc. We even owned a cow every other Friday to get its raw milk. Since they are not legally able to sell raw milk, we paid for all of the cow's feed etc and in exchange we got all milk produced that day. Over those years they became good friends with several families. In our experience the Amish are very private people that some do somewhat resent the English attitudes towards them. Once they know you they are very friendly and accepting. For well over a year there were many folks that thought that my wife and friend were a cute lesbian couple😌. We did like the good produce at really good prices and much better deals on common vegetables than the overpriced farmer's market produce. It did get to the point where we were being asked what we would like them to plant the next year.
  9. You have to love minor league team names. In grad school, I loved going to Scranton Wilkes-Barre Red Barons games in PA. My dad used to go to the Savannah Sand Gnat games down in Georgia. Going to those games may put a new meaning to shagging flies !
  10. Keep them coming Seth! Love to look at pretty or unusual fish!
  11. Pflieger is the MO fish go to book for me. Except now I go to Robert Hrabik who is currently revising the Fishes of Missouri. I'm with you @MOPanfisher in terms of the scientific names. I think that folks on here would have an difficult time trying to figure out whether it was Lepomis megalotis from Lepomis gibbosus, which is what started out this whole discussion that we highjacked from @Seth Clarkson !
  12. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    So we like @ness are cleaning out our freezer as well. So defrosted venison and wanted a beef and broccoli style meal So there used to be a guy that was on the forum that always wanted to see the steps . So this post will be photo heavy . Thin sliced venison is a sauce made up of soy sauce, plum sauce, garlic powder, Chinese five spice, and corn starch. Cleaned snow peas. Broccoli florets and peeled and sliced stems. Sliced onion, garlic and minced ginger. Browned the venison on high heat and removed the meat. Added a little more oil to the pan and cooked the broccoli and snow peas. Added the onion and once translucent added the garlic and ginger. Cooked a min or two then added back in the meat. I had made more of the sauce and added that to the pan. Cooked until the sauce thickened. Served with basmati rice.
  13. Let's see I know of four categories of fish in @JestersHK vocabulary; Walters, Gills, sea monsters, and bait. Some of us are just more enlightened buddy !
  14. I was looking at freshwater fishing opportunities/timing in Maine and came across the horned pout reference and had to stop and look at what they meant ! When we lived in Ireland, I used to say that we were separated by a common language ! Seems like that when dealing with that same issue using local and common names of fish here stateside as well.
  15. I knew Kentucky bass before I ever heard of spotted bass. Recently the redeye bass taxonomy was evaluated and there are now five species of redeye bass, Cahaba, Chattahoochee, Coosa, Tallapoosa, and Black Warrior redeye bass. They are mostly defined now by the river systems that the are found. I have heard of walleyes (and probably saugers as well) referred to as walleyed pike. Crappie in Florida were called specks. Then there are the Cajun names; choupique, gaspergou, sac a lait... !
  16. Nice QB! May have been a tough bite but you got out and caught a few😁. Congrats buddy.
  17. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    We had a drink cooler at our house in Columbia that may have been perfect for dry aging. Never bothered doing that with venison due to possibly wasting too much meat. Would look at doing beef though.
  18. Al with snails making up a part of their diet, shellcracker at least reflects what redear sunfish eat. Hear that name used a lot in Georgia for redears. So I get that name. Still prefer redear. I was talking with a buddy of mine in Columbia that caught a large silver redhorse. To him it wasn't a true redhorse because it didn't have the red dorsal, pectoral, pelvic, and caudal fins. So it was just a yellow sucker.
  19. Nice walleye! Glad to hear thst it is still swimming. Sounds like a decent trip for fish just not keeper size walleye. Congrats!
  20. I don't fish there often either but recall them adding a $2 fee that went to the James Foundation on top of the daily trout permit. @Seth should be able to confirm if they still add that $2 fee.
  21. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Love grilled onions 😁!
  22. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Just my Betterhalf and I for dinner. I had picked up scallops for the crab dinner and decided against adding them. So she made the scallops with a lemon, pinot grigio, and garlic sauce and zucchini noodles. Side cucumber salad.
  23. I have heard that a virus or a genetic disorder is the cause. May be something else. I do know that on fish that I have kept like those that the flesh was thicker and more fibrous in that area. I would cut that part out and then just stopped keeping them all together. Maybe that perpetuated the problem.
  24. I would accept sunnies ! Not perch, black perch, bream, ....
  25. That is a bluegill sunfish as SIO3 pointed out already.
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