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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. I wish that I would not be able to say the same about myself.....
  2. Continued to be impressd with the fish that you guys caught. Brett I agree with you about Ham. He's a great fisherman and a great guy to fish with! But he does live and die on every hookset😁.
  3. That's a great looking striper! Congrats!
  4. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Sounds good Rick!
  5. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Happy wife happy life! Looks like a great night in BilletHeadville!😁
  6. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Looks fantastic Marty! Have to wipe my mouth a bit😌. Been seeing deer snd now some squirrels in the back. No permission from landlord on letting me arrow one of these deer. If I do, will work on a loin roast like yours.
  7. Looks like a great trip Dan! Congrats! That is a toad of a bass! Glad you were able to dust off the boat.
  8. Looked like a great day on the water. Congrats to you both!
  9. Not quite in KC but I have fished Plover and Coot lakes in the James Reed Memorial WA. These were catch and keep trout lakes when I fished them two seasons ago. Caught half dozen rainbows on olive green microjigs under a small float in Plover on the North end of the lake around old lilies. I would think that olive and flashabou wooly buggers would be similar enough to my microjigs.
  10. Congrats on a nice mess of crappie!
  11. That's s beauty Quill! Congrats on the one you landed and sorry about the one that broke off!
  12. I agree. Go ahead and post your personal best. Here is one of the largest deer I have taken with my bow. Not a buck, but it was the most difficult, frustrating, and rewarding blood trailing job so far.
  13. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    That's s good looking loaf! Love the smell of fresh baked bread. By the way your Mrs is a killer! Got to keep that one.
  14. I knew as soon as I hit send that this would become a possible carp rewrite😌. I guess all that I can say is... BRUHAHAHA
  15. It's a thread about goldfish...
  16. I agree with bfishin and MOPanfisher, Looks like a tilapia. That is an "oh crap" kind of catch for Missouri. Here is a statement from the state of Texas - "To help control populations there should be an encouragement to fish blue tilapia with no intentions of “catch and release”. "
  17. I thought that as well but didn't mention it.
  18. That is an awesome deer! Congrats and thanks for posting your personal best! Got me a bit envious!
  19. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    I love all kinds of squash! Sweet potatoes! Always a fall standard table fare in the Folly household.
  20. Good luck. Can't wait to see some winter giants!
  21. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    I haven't spent any time in the deer woods this year . So all of the opening weekend talk had me craving some venison. Pulled out a couple of round steaks and seasoned them with salt, pepper, and a southwest spice mixture. Grilled them in the grill pan and let them rest 10 minutes. I also cooked some cauliflower in chicken stock that I had heated with some dried hen of the woods mushrooms. Once tender, I put them in the blender and blended them until it was just shy of a puree.
  22. Didn't expect anything lees from this crowd. BRUHAHAHA
  23. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    That looks great buddy! Has me salivating just looking at that pot pie!
  24. I have only used one from a boat. You are better off with being above the lure. It takes a fair bit of time to get things unsnagged.
  25. JohnP - great story. I have my dad's old Mossberg 22 and hope to pass that one down to a child or grandchild when the time comes. I hope that they will have the kind of memories that you have with your grandfather's gun
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