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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. The share the harvest program uses professional processors handling the deer meat. Deer don't carry the number of potential diseases like trichinosis that feral hogs can carry. That may be the differences. Thoigh I have seen aerial hog hunts in TX and hear that they do process the hogs.
  2. Hey DJ got any photos? You know that @snagged in outlet 3 loves photos😅
  3. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    That sounds and looks delicious. Great job!
  4. In high school we egged a guy's new Camaro while he was making out with his girl. My buddy had a V8 Pontiac Grand Fury. That guy chased us around for over 45 mins until we lost him or he gave up. We started in Connecticut and last saw him in NY state 😅. If we hadn't been going into NY to buy beer we definitely would not have known the roads to lose that guy.
  5. Ah Sorry!🤣
  6. Great chunky fish Jeff. As you said a likely belly full of eggs and food!
  7. @Daryk Campbell Sr those nymphs look great buddy! Great job. Now we need to see the fish you will catch with them.
  8. Oh mama I'm in fear for my life from the long arm of the law. Law man has put an end to my running and I'm so far from my home. Oh Mama I can hear you a crying. You're scared and all alone. Hangman is coming down from the gallows and I don't have very long...
  9. Mama Take this badge from me. I can't use it anymore. It's getting dark too dark to see Feels like I'm knocking on Heaven's door. Mama put my guns in the ground. I can't shoot them anymore. That cold black cloud is comin down Feels like I'm knocking on Heaven's door. I like the Dylan version the best😁
  10. Hey Joe I said Where are you going to run to now? I going way down south. Way down to Mexico way! ... Way down where I can be free!
  11. Pat is definitely quite talented!
  12. Elk is my favorite venison of all of the species that I have eaten (whitetail, mule deer, elk, and caribou). So I would be all about getting some gifted elk meat😉. Supposedly axis deer is even better. I have been looking at outfitters in FL that have axis hunting available. A bit pricey at this point.
  13. Never thought that I would see Grateful Dead lyrics on this thread. Well played😉
  14. Could also be that they are getting more landowner participation recently as well.
  15. I would think that there has been an expansiion in their trapping efforts in more recent years. So I would expect higher numbers in those counties where they hadn't trapped previously. Just a thought and opinion on my part.
  16. I really want to catch a burbot. The festival looks a lot like Sturgis but with ice fishing and no bikes.
  17. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Good thing that you guys sleep on your porch😅
  18. When we lived in FL we often would see pig damage sometimes up to a 1/4 acre or more of upturned dirt.
  19. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Pulled Xmas ham leftovers from the freezer and made ham and bean soup. Cooked until the ham easily came off the bone.
  20. Well it makes perfect sense to me. Every movie that I have seen about shanty towns surrounding mines there is always a brothel. So shanty town around a bunch of holes in the ice obviously is going to lead to creation of a brothel and also likely a gambling hall 😅
  21. I tend to agree. They are so productive with up to three litters a year. Very hard to keep up with that reproductive rate.
  22. I'm pretty sure that posting this will bring on a number of anti-MDC comments but seems to me that this eradication efforts seem to be working. Missouri Feral Hog Elimination Partnership removes more than 9,800 feral hogs More than 54,000 feral hogs have been eliminated off private and public lands since 2016. JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – The Missouri Feral Hog Elimination Partnership (the Partnership) removed 9,857 feral hogs from the landscape in 2021, making the total number of feral hogs eliminated more than 54,000 since 2016. The Partnership is made up of 13 federal and state agencies along with numerous agriculture and conservations organizations. “I’m really proud of the progress that the Partnership trappers have made,” said the Partnership Incident Commander Jason Jensen. “In 2021, we covered over double the number of acres and worked with double the number of landowners. Despite the increased effort and efficiency, the number of hogs removed was down by nearly 3,000 hogs. We anticipated we’d get to this point but not necessarily this quick. This is a positive indicator of the progress being made and a declining hog population. “ Partnership employees were able to assist 1,308 landowners and scout more than 3 million acres for feral hog damage last year. The top counties where feral hogs were removed include Iron County with 1,940 hogs, Wayne County with 1,329 hogs, and Reynolds with 1,268 hogs. “I want to say a big thank you to all of the private landowners in Missouri that allowed Partnership staff to access their properties to remove feral hogs,” said Partnership Incident Commander Travis Guerrant. “Without private landowners continued support and cooperation our progress toward elimination would be much more difficult.” Feral hogs range spans across at least 35 states, including Missouri. Feral hogs are primarily found in the southern portion of the state and across at least 17 counties. Efforts made by the Partnership have resulted in a 48.5% decrease in the number of watersheds occupied by feral hogs in Missouri since 2016. “Field reports from Partnership employees indicate feral hogs are becoming harder to find and that sounder sizes are decreasing, suggesting that elimination efforts are having a positive effect in reducing hog populations in the state,” Jensen said. Looking Ahead The Partnership plans to continue to work with landowners who need help with feral hog problems. They also aim to expand the use of aerial resources such as helicopters and drones to find feral hogs. If you need help with a feral hog issue or would like to report feral hog damage, please do so by reporting it online at www.mdc.mo.gov/feralhog or call 573-522-4115 ext. 3296. The Missouri Feral Hog Elimination Partnership (the Partnership) removed 9,857 feral hogs from the landscape in 2021, making the total number of feral hogs eliminated more 54,000 since 2016. Feral hog removals have increased dramatically until peaking in 2020. Removals in 2021 were the lowest since 2018, which indicates the effects the Partnership is having on hogs. The Partnership uses USDA APHIS Wildlife Services unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) drone to effectively to scout for feral hogs.
  23. A group of five blonde men and women go into a bar in a celebratory mood. One of the women goes to the bar and orders a round of shots for the group. They all get their shots and raise the glasses and shout "51 days!" and then drink their shots. They get another round and again shout "51 days!" then another and again "51 days". As they are ordering another round the bartender asks the woman what 51 days means. The woman replies that they have all been working on a puzzle that stated 2 to 4 yrs on the box and they were able to complete the puzzle in 51 days! 🤣
  24. A juggler is on the way to his next show when he gets pulled over. As the policeman is getting the man's license he asks why the man has matches and a large container of lighter fluid in the car. The man responds that he is a juggler and that he juggles flaming torches. The policeman asks to see him juggle. The man agrees and while juggling a couple drives by them. "I'm glad that I stopped drinking." He says to his wife. "There is no way that I could pass that sobriety test!" 🤣
  25. In case you have not heard or seen this posting. MDC reports five elk harvested during second season Missouri’s elk archery portion ran Oct. 16-24 and elk firearms portion ran Dec. 11-19. JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) reports hunters harvested three elk during the firearms portion of the elk-hunting season, Dec. 11-19. An archery portion ran Oct. 16-24 with two elk harvested. Five Missouri hunters were selected for elk permits through a random drawing. Last year’s inaugural elk hunt ended with all five hunters harvesting bull elk during the firearms portion. No elk were taken during the 2020 archery portion. “We couldn’t be more excited for these five hunters,” said MDC Deer and Elk Biologist Aaron Hildreth. “After a decade of restoration efforts, the hard work these hunters put in was rewarded with five truly magnificent bulls. This is a conservation success story, and Missourians can be proud of the healthy, growing elk herd we have in our state.” Elk are a native species in Missouri but were hunted to extinction in the state through unregulated hunting during the late 1800s. Missouri’s first elk hunt last year came after years of restoration efforts of the native species by MDC, numerous partners including the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, and many supporters including local communities and area landowners. Learn more about elk restoration in Missouri at https://short.mdc.mo.gov/ZYJ. Learn more about elk hunting in Missouri online at https://huntfish.mdc.mo.gov/hunting-trapping/species/elk.
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