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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. If you have photos and need help, I know a guy that can help with ID. Here are a bunch of photos of bleeding shiners. My daughter likes to call them lipstick fish. They don't have the red lips all year round, mostly just in the spring and summer months.
  2. FIFY ๐Ÿ˜
  3. @LittleRedFishermanThat was a fantastic day for sure buddy! You guys are seriously making some great memories. Landon should be a hunting and fishing buddy for life for sure! Keep up the great work in the outdoors with you and your family!
  4. I really dislike it. It's an old blue law probably set up to make men go to church instead if hunting. Lots of folks still want no Sunday hunting to give the deer a break. Hunting seasons are only a couple of months a year. Can't they get a break the other 9 months of year? Cuts my opportunities almost in half since I mostly have just the weekends to hunt.
  5. Congrats on a nice day @Quillback
  6. Congrats on a great deer! Good luck on a second.
  7. I hope that you are referring to the baiting on private land and not the lack of full Sunday hunting.
  8. I hope so as well. Sue and I both saw him that first day and both figured that he would be an expensive deer. Definitely would make a visit to the taxidermist. The genetics are here. I had never seen one in the wild until we moved here. I have now seen a piebald doe that was about 70% white and a fawn that was about 95% white. Fingers crossed.
  9. A couple of clarifying statements; this hunt was in Maryland, Maryland allows baiting on private lands, Maryland limits Sunday hunting to only a few Sundays a year and again on private land only. We rent a house where the back yard buts up against a large woodlot that is owned by our landlord. He leases that woodlot, but allows us to hunt about a 1/3 to 1/2 acre right behind the house. We have been baiting this area with corn and minerals for the last few years. There is a fair amount of deer using this woodlot over the years. This year we saw the largest amount of deer activity thus far. I have a ground blind tucked in some brush that is not more that 25 to 30 feet from the house. We can see our bait and into the woodlot from the house and try to be careful to not be seen by the deer when we are in the house, especially by bucks that have quickly turned nocturnal with any perceived disturbance. We have three does with young that frequent the baits in the yard. Here are two fawns, a doe and a button buck (in the foreground) with some of the largest pedicels I have seen on a button buck. Going to leave that guy alone for now ๐Ÿ˜‰. They are in the yard just behind the house and the blind is just to the left in the brush. Since the bow season began we have been seeing a fair number of different bucks. One tiny spike buck that was likely a button buck running around the yard last year. (his mom ended up in our freezer). Two different larger three and four point bucks have been seen on multiple occasions. Sue saw a giant 10 pt. But he also have a unique piebald buck. We saw him once from the house during the week of the 24th of Oct. I wasn't hunting the morning of the 30th and I saw him go through the woodlot. After that encounter, I got ready to hunt and he came into one of the baits. I texted my daughter to see if she could get photos from the house which she did but aren't great photos. I watched him for over 15 mins until he gave me a broadside shot. As soon as I hit the trigger, I saw the bolt fly erratically and hit into the ground 15 feet in front of the buck. In my haste to get hunting I must have cocked the bow wrong, since the string pushed the bolt to the left. I could smell the friction from the vane. The buck was briefly startled and slowly walked back into the woodlot. We lubed the rail and I shot several times the next day and all the bolts hit where I was aiming ๐Ÿค”. I haven't seen him since. We tried fishing on Sat the 6th with a plan for me to hunt on the 7th which was one of five Sundays that I could hunt before Dec (when I get four more). since we got home after dark, I was only able to put out a quarter bag of corn in one bait spot). Here are the encounters that day (times are approximate). A doe we suspect was one of the doe fawns that was all around the house and yard last year (sister to the button buck I talked about earlier). She had a fawn late and it still has spots (6:45 am). The doe that has the doe and button buck in the above photos (7 or 7:10 am). A doe with two doe fawns (7:30 am). I long distance buck sighting heading deep into the woodlot (7:45 am). Nothing from 8 am til 10. I was able to get out more corn in a couple other spots and replenish the one the does were hitting in the early morning. 10:30 am A smallish 6 or 7 pt on the replenished pile and was quartering to me. Was planning to shoot him if he turned broadside. After a few mins a small forkhorn with a busted antler came in from the left and pushed him off the pile. Instead of turning broadside and heading off to my right he spun and walked back into the woodlot. The forkhorn only gave me a head on shot while at the pile. He then went off to the left. 10:50 The two doe fawns came in to the replenished pile. They kept looking back into the woodlot. I could see a doe running back there. She went to the left then the right and back left again. Then she eased in to feed next to her fawns while breathing hard. Five minutes or so the forkhorn came back and she trotted off into the woodlot. The fawns followed the doe. The forkhorn went off after them. 11:50 An older 7 pt came in from woodlot on my right. He nosed the corn piles but was not interested in feeding. He didn't give me a shot and walked off to the left. I used a doe in estrus can call and made two calls. About 3 to 5 mins later the buck was back and looking my way for the doe he heard. He passed behind a tree that I knew was about 38 yards from me. I bleated and he stopped broadside. I estimated a 40 yd shot. He didn't drop down at the shot, whihc would have helped since he was more likely 42 to 43 yds and the bolt hit him lower than I would like. He took off into the woodlot. My wife was watching from the kitchen. We let things sit for about 20 mins and then went to look for blood where he was standing and to find the bolt. We didn't see any blood, but the bolt was covered in blood. No gut smell. I felt better about the hit. We let him lay for about 90 mins. Sue found the first spots of blood and the trailing began. I would have liked a heavier blood trail, but the three of us persisted on little drops of blood on many leaves that had red coloration. After about 80 to 90 yds we got heavier blood. He looked like at one point he had bedded for stood in one spot before moving on again. Maybe that was at the time we were looking for the bolt. Later on in the tracking the blood was sparse again. I had found a couple of small spots and pointed those out to Sue and that I thought that he may have passed where she was standing. She gave me a hard time since there was a large streak of blood behind her ๐Ÿ™„. We found him dead after another 25 yds. Total track was about 160 yds. Though I hit him low, the Rage cut through the lungs and did its job! I had already planned on being out on Monday, which we spent butchering the deer. I prefer to hang them longer, but with temps expected in the 70's this week, we broke him down quickly. I hope that others are having eventful archery season as well! As an FYI the doe with the spotted fawn were back on the bait Monday morning. No more hunting for me at least until this next weekend, maybe.
  10. I'd be there in a heartbeat if I lived closer ๐Ÿ˜‰! I agree that there are some species (e.g., smallmouth bass) and locations (e.g., rivers and creeks) that can and do get overrun when too much information is posted online. Many of the species that I am catching are neither rare or are undesirable for many fisherman to catch. So I post more frequently since I do want to show folks the other species that are out there that get overlooked. The rarer species that could be affected by pressure, I try not to give specifics. But I have been chastised for giving information on tailwater/spillway posts. It's not a secret that white and hybrids will stack up below Bagnell or Truman dams. There will already be a crowd if the fish are there. So my posting to me really doesn't affect that situation much. If someone PM's me about a species that I could help them catch and I feel comfortable about giving them details, I will.
  11. Now back to trout fishing ๐Ÿ˜
  12. Now you have me hijacking this thread ๐Ÿค”. We didn't catch a thing ๐Ÿ˜’. Photos of the 3 to 5 foot waves as we scoped out where we might fish. One guy caught a red drum before we got there at high tide. Sue and Livie fish sand fleas and blood worms and had some bites, but no fish.
  13. To each his own my friend ๐Ÿ˜‰. You're deal now is trout and it may stay that way. I've been there. Drove well over 2000 miles to catch a trout in all of the MO designated trout streams, included all blue, red, and white ribbon sections as well as 10 urban lakes, and found a streambred population of rainbows that I didn't even know about before. Was a great journey overall. I have done worse for new species. Just this weekend drove over 400 miles to try for a new species of kingfish only to fish for about an hour in really bad conditions and then left in a driving rain. Keep up your videos and as I mentioned I look forward to the next one.
  14. A blond woman gets stuck in a snow storm. Before she starts to panic she remembers what her father told her. "If you are ever stuck in a snow storm, stop and wait for a snow plow and then follow it." As she is waiting a snow plow passes her and she follows it. She follows the plow for about 45 mins when the driver stops, gets out, and asked her what she is doing. She tells the driver about her father's advice and that she was following him. The driver says, "Well I'm done plowing the Walmart parking lot. You can follow me as I go and clear out the Best Buy lot!" ๐Ÿคฃ
  15. I agree with @Daryk Campbell Sr on a great video and some nice trout from a tough little creek. I also agree about the shiners are fish too ๐Ÿ˜‰. Looked like one of them was a possible bleeding shiner. Keep those videos coming. What video equipment are you using?
  16. Would be interested if you want to sell any of those black/silver floating rapalas if you still have them.
  17. @Quillback congrats buddy! Some chunky spots and nice bonus fish!
  18. Great job to you and Pat! Congrats on the duck jewelry! Some great meals are ahead for sure.
  19. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Looks delicious! Glad that it tasted good so we could see a photo๐Ÿ˜‰
  20. Congrats @slabstacker on a successful hunt with you self trained pup. Great looking dog! I haven't seen a good covey of quail on public lands in well over a decade. Used bump a few while small game hunting Natl forest lands around Columbia.
  21. I have never fished Bull Shoals but enjoyed your posts. I understand not sharing more if no one else is posting as well. Just sad to hear.
  22. That's a nice drum. They'll stretch your line for sure. They get too much hate for not being a bass. I'm a bit jealous of the sauger and walleye combo. Congrats on the mixed bag of fish Pete! Don't let those naysayers get to you, cuz you can catch fish๐Ÿ˜‰!
  23. Hey Jeff - Looked a lot better than a day at work ๐Ÿคฃ! Congrats on catching a few.
  24. The website that I saw seems to me that both the Lazy River Grill in Manchester and the Yellowstone in Town and Country are owned by the same group. Both look like places that I would want to eat ๐Ÿ˜! Anyone remember playing Eye Spy with you kids. either of these places would be awesome for that game๐Ÿ˜‰! I spy with my eye a member of the Leaf river herd. I spy with my eye a salmonid that prefers deep water lakes. ๐Ÿ˜†
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