Amen Bill! I decided to keep my boat in a slip, covered. I can't make this up-last spring my son and I went to un tarp the boat and found a goose sitting in the middle of the tarp on two eggs. That caused the back (transom) portion of the tarp to have a gap in it across the back. After getting the mad goose off which was accompanied by her mate (wish this was filmed) the cover was removed.
At this point we discovered a coon had been in the boat assuming it got under the rear portion of the cover as mentioned above, maybe due to the eggs. After six hours of cleaning the boat and dealing with the ripped up passenger seat and butt seat which was laying on the floor, it got worse. My son opened a front deck storage compartment and there was the coon!!! My lack of good luck kept right on going. The coon was running from front rod locker to locker (passenger to driver's side). Then he hunkered down under the recessed trolling motor peddle. Once that was removed and he was "helped" out now more clean up was under way!
The guys at the marina were terrific! After their help with the removal of the coon they fixed the seats and thoughly cleaned/detailed the boat. Needless to say, I hate geese and coons! Again, can't make this crap up😳. Boat is good as new now.