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Everything posted by m&m

  1. I retired from police work years ago and I can remember seeing T shirts that said, "feel safe tonight, sleep with a cop" My wife would not let me get one. lol Mike
  2. Phil, I sent you a PM. Mike
  3. Phil, a friend of mine who is a former JR college assistant coach is volunteering to work the tourney at C of O. He has a history of volunteering and now that his house is built in Branson, he plans on doing more of it at the College. Mike
  4. MOPanfisher, I had the same thought when I saw the video. Sounds like if you buy one of those bungee straps they should throw in a keel guard. or maybe the bungee inventor also does fiberglass repair. lol Mike
  5. Here is the text from the MSHP brochure: The text is taken directly from the MO revised Statute 571. http://www.mshp.dps.mo.gov/MSHPWeb/Publications/Brochures/documents/SHP-863.pdf So if you use your weapon, your first comments and the circumstances should be that you acted in self-defense. It will still need to be sorted out and your weapon and your CCW permit will most likely be held as evidence until the investigation is completed. If you are exonerated, they should be returned to you. Mike
  6. My son bought me the Boat 2 Trailer contraption for when I fish by myself. I haven't installed it yet but it looks pretty easy as long as you can get into the boat first. You can google it to view the video. Mike
  7. This is so sad. This type of violence just reflects the way certain members of our society value a human life. What a tragedy. I will keep the Poche family in our prayers. Mike
  8. Bill, thanks for the nice report and pictures. Mike
  9. Thanks. You gotta love that jig bite. Mike
  10. Sprint, nice report. Sounds like you made the right call on the location. How deep were the fish? Mike
  11. Bo, words of wisdom. I would love to see a steady rise in water temp as we go through spring but the weather has to cooperate. Mike
  12. Quill thanks for the report. Sounds like a wonderful day for a Saturday in January. Mike
  13. Ben, thank you for the information. And congratulations on the funding. Mike
  14. Quill and Bill, Thank you for the reports. Finally reports are starting to trickle in. Good luck to all this weekend. Mike
  15. I have been reading this thread since the beginning and I would just add that anyone who votes a certain way because they are told to deserves what they get. I don't care if you are a Republican, Democrat, Independent, Libertarian, Green Party, Communist Party or Socialist Party, a member of management or a member of a union it is your right to vote the way YOU want so please do not sell your vote because someone or some organization told you to. Too many veterans fought for your right to vote the way you think is best for you!! Mike
  16. I don't pretend to know why there is the appearance that larger size bass are hard to come by in TR. I'll leave that to all the scientists, fishing biologists and MDC employees on the forum. I do know that I was surprised when there were 1200 fishermen in the big bass tourney on TR last year and only one fish over 6lbs and 6 fish over 5 lbs were weighed in during the 2 day derby. Just sayin......... Mike
  17. I haven't fished all over TR but the one place I have seen an abundance of grass is in Yokum creek in the Long Creek branch. I'm not sure why it is there but there are days early in the season where the fish just smash a spinner bait or a frog. Mike
  18. I have too much fun with the frog so I haven't tried punching through it. While Bull creek is relatively shallow, if you stay in the actual creek, the depth is quite nice. plenty of lay downs and back around the bend of the cove it is a whole new area to fish. most of the time in August you have the creek to yourself. I fish it early and get out before the tubers and pleasure boaters come out. Mike
  19. Happy Birthday Bill!!! And many, many more.
  20. I usually make a couple of trips to Bull Creek in August because the water is cooler than TR. It makes for a fun day fishing the grass and lily pads there. I agree nothing over 3 lbs in the last 3 years but plenty of fish in the 1 lb to the 3 lb range. I get to throw a frog over that grass and pads and watch the water explode. Mike
  21. Seriously? Really? I've never been THAT mad at the fish. Mike
  22. Bill, Thank you for the heads up on the Carbonlite series. I heard the same advice from someone else recently. Mike
  23. FLW profile says he fished 3 of their tournaments in 2010 but none since. Mike
  24. BMB, make sure you read the thread about best cold weather gear. I suggest you put on everything mentioned in that thread. lol Mike
  25. Bill, Thank you for the article. You have answered many of the questions I had about set up and where to fish it. Mike
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