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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by 176champion

  1. I have heard that Championship marine does great work also.
  2. That's something i never bought, was a navonics card, i just use the gps in the unit..since that card cost more than my console unit, it's kind of hard to justify the money.....lol
  3. Those moments is what us older guy's call senior moments, or brain farts and they come more frequently the older you get....lol
  4. Still wet behind the ears as they say.. at 49...
  5. I was going to go fishing today, but started feeling bad last night and got up this morning with my sinuses in a rage.. not very pleasurable when you bend over to pick something up or turn around to fast especially in a boat..good way to fall in and get wet, it's always something..
  6. Thanks for the report....I might go to Big M tomorrow and aerate the water a little.
  7. Security at BBC...Site was hacked several times last year....lol
  8. You been screwed...lol...i hate that..for that reason i carry a tire plug kit....and of coarse a spare tire..
  9. Thoughts and prayers for you and your father..
  10. Have always wondered if anyone from the Corp even goes by any of the camp grounds during the closed season..
  11. Fancy word for tournament or get together ...lol
  12. I passed 6 boats headed home when i came down highway 39 to my home....Sounds like a good day and i think you found my honey hole, i have fished that area with good success ...lol
  13. Ranger Boats, Legend, and BassCat had plant tours lined up for BBC members yesterday..
  14. If you didn't piss in someones Cheerios you could be fishing the BBC rally on Bull Shoals today..ketchup.....lol
  15. I read an article about this shooting and they said it happens about once a week down there.
  16. I put a Keelshield on my boat, from everything i read the Keelguard had issues with coming off, after you get it on take some 5200 and seal the edges of the keelshield or keelguard all the way around.
  17. As i get older my speedy days slow down, it's time to slow down and smell the roses...lol...My brother and i built a mud truck and it would run a 200 foot pit from a stand still in 2 foot of mud in under 4 seconds..1400 horse naturally aspirated 1100 foot pounds of torque Ford Hemi..
  18. Big M has a poster just like that posted in several places.
  19. Priceless sir just priceless
  20. Don't ferget to click your heels together 3 times...Vernon...lmao
  21. I usually hang out in the Champion boat section when im on BBC..
  22. I just read the thread over there Ketchup and it seems that Al the owner of the site banned you, not wags....lmao..if you like i can post the thread.
  23. I've seen it before...lmao
  24. Wow Ketchup..getting banned from BBC takes a lot of work...lol.....wags is moderator of the for sale section i think........i have been over there for a couple years and have never had any problems...lol My little 176 champion won't run 80 mph...fastest i have been in it is 63 gps mph by myself and i slowed it back down, it did have a little more in it....lol
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