Thanks every one. I figure if waders drown people it would not be good to have them near water at all (Joke)
I have dropped enough jack on this fishing thing so my kayaking will be on the cheap, for a while. All this is good to know.
You never know what might happen when you get all you need.
Back in the day in my canoe, I would just cover one side of a coleman lantern with foil and bungee it to the bow. You could see for quite way.
I am new to the kayak thing but I will be getting some lights, I have been looking.
I wasn't the guy
Maiden voyage on Stockton pictures.
I did get some water in my lap from the paddel, I am curious if anyone does and winter paddling and how they stay warm and dry, chest wadders, I guess??
Mine is only 57 lbs. I am hoping to use it for some winter walleye jerk bait fishing !
I still have my old boat. I do not owe money on any of my play things so that makes it a happy experience for me.
Not to plug a brand, but I felt like the vibe was a pretty go deal at the price point.
The best thing that we did was a test drive, that made a huge impact on our decision.
The brands with a reverse chine hull make a big difference in stablity.
My wife and I pulled the trigger on a couple smaller vibe kayaks, that should work well for our needs.
I can't wait to get some walleye slime on them !
I think they come up to feed on the bank at night, more so when there is a moon.
I have caught several under areas of the bank that are well lit.
I know I am stating the obvious but maybe it will help.
I did not do well in the day. I was working for walleye most of the time.
Just joking, Phil.
I would bet 5 of us could go to the same area for weeks and not be able to reproduce that catch.
Those guys did good, thanks for sharing the info, with us.
I got a late start. I could not get it figured out.
Thank you for the info. Question: did you find them with your graph, or find them by trial and error.
I found a couple babies on or near the bank throwing various things but nothing worth bragging about.
I have a happy troller on a 75hp I can get .5 mph easily, but I have bent it and cracked it, I still use it.
A couple of drift socks is a way better deal and you can do more than just troll.
Anybody try this ?
I drilled a small hole as near to the split ring as possible, then ran a drop line with a bell sinker. Then I just tie to the lure as normal.
Being able to keep the bait near bottom and stop it when ever I want is the idea, I might even be able to vertical jig it a little. I hope to cast and retrieve this thing.
What do you think?
It might just make a mess??
Could not find time to drag the boat to the lake, I did however find time for some bank fishing, but nothing happen before 10 pm for me, I missed a couple fish, on the shakey head, even got a baby walleye.
After 10 pm is late for this old man.
Just about any point, if it is sunny I go for channel swing, where the fish can go to several depths without having to travel, that is middle of the day.