I don’t remember how he treated them. I took a shower at school for week. I was hoping my dad would get them. Boy that would’ve been some schit to see😂
Sux!! Yeah my home owner deductible is like that too. I’ve watched boats come into the dock at our condo at night with lights off. I see lots of boats in our dock with all their stuff laying out.
I’m talking about the physical and neurological effects. I watched a couple docs on Rogan talking about the benefits for keeping lean muscle mass and better cognitive function as men age.
I mentioned to the painter that he was sure scrambling up and down that ladder. That’s when he brought it up. He said it helped his body and his memory. He talked about how his sleep improved too.
That sux!! I empty my boat at the end of everyday down there. It’s a total pain but I don’t trust anyone anymore. Does insurance even cover all of your tackle?
Do you know any old guys trying testosterone replacement? The guy that painted my kitchen was telling me how it changed his whole life. And he’s only 50 or so.
My email was just saying they received my application. Not an approval email. It came like 10 seconds after I emailed them my application. Which did you get?
Boy there’s times a semi V hull would be nice. If I did it again I’d get the same rig I have with the semi V hull. It takes a beating at Taney with all the traffic now. The 90 rude made it fun!!! Relative to the mercury 40 it came with. Slick coat on the bottom has saved my twice now too.
I live in st charles mo but have a condo at paradise point and a time share at long creek. I’ll be down there more and more when my wife retires here soon. I thought I saw that boat before towing a rental one time. Weird is right. Good luck!!
That’s why I bought my cheap little blazer. I knew I could easily afford it, it’s perfect for what I like to do and it’s small and light enough to handle it by myself. But I sure looked at those Legends at Cowtown though. Drooled a little too😂
I just realized I fished yesterday without a license. You have to apply for the lifetime one which I did and have the email confirmation that they received it. But technically I don’t have it yet. Bummed me out.
I love my jet boat. Best fishing related thing I’ve ever bought. My little pond prowler being second. I think I’m selling that though. Lakes I used to fish with it have been beat to death. Internet wounded them and kayaks put them out of their misery. 😆