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snagged in outlet 3

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Everything posted by snagged in outlet 3

  1. I'm workin on it!!! I always am. I don't need no stinking golf down there. Golf is for people who don't know how to fish. SIO3
  2. Give me a break would ya? SIO3 Oh, nice fish.
  3. "And I don't hate golf, I just hate the golfers tryin' to hit me with their little balls when I'm fishin' that water trap next to the 9th hole. " I told you everybody needs a little sport in their lives. I'd drill ya if I had the chance. Only for a while Dano. Pete
  4. Black or olive wooly bugger. Cast out, strip back. Enjoy!! Pete
  5. I'm going to the driving range to try out a new stick... Pete FORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. It takes a couple days to go fishing. I played golf last night in 3 hours. Hard to make it 250 miles to AR and back in 3 hours after work. Now quit hatin on golf!! SIO3
  7. I think I was pretty clear, TIME and gas money. FORE!!!!!!
  8. Not gonna happen FT. It's the dreaded combination of gas money and the time it takes to get there. A healthy individual needs sport of some kind, on a weekly basis at least. I'm lucky to get a trip a month to trout fish. Pete's Blue Pipe Hole doesn't count. I need ditch pigs from the tailwaters to fill my need!!!!! SIO3
  9. Nice FT!!! Good to see you're getting out... Wish I was there. 13 Miles is nothing!!!! I'd sell my golf clubs if I lived 13 miles from a trout stream. Pete
  10. Oh stop it you're embarassing me!!! I try to help out when I can with little nuggets of wisdom. SIO3
  11. It looks like it fits in HIS purse!!!!! Pete
  12. "get a little dirty and do a little exercise" Sounds like date night when I was in high school!!!! SIO3
  13. That's what I'm talkin about JD. It's ridiculous to pay a hundy to Missouri for my constitutional right... I keep mine in the glove box most of the time. Pete
  14. "If that works then I'm suing Uglystick for getting me addicted to catching big smallies..." Wouldn't you actually have to of caught a big smallie?? Jus sayin. SIO3
  15. I say bravo sierra. Those bags are vacuum pressed. How could a snake survive in there. My family owned a nursery and I've unloaded many trucks of top soil and if anything was in the bags it would be crushed. Can't wait ti see this outcome, thanks JD. SIO3
  16. More like Hundai!!
  17. You just can't get this kind of entertainment any ole place..... What would I do without you guys???
  18. That's classic Gavin!!!!
  19. Saw this coming like a freight train at night.... 10 pound fluoro wouldn't hurt either.
  20. "But pick a weekday, a trip when the water may be a little up or off-color, or when it's cold, rainy, or blustery, and you'll often have the place all to yourself." That didn't work for me this year or last. SIO3
  21. They're not hatchery fish either Ted!! If anybody goes, post up some pics.
  22. Thank you Coldwater, well stated. SIO3
  23. Skill set = stickbait and spinning rod??????? Okay
  24. Feels good doesn't it????? Several more cars at each access please!!! SIO3
  25. No dissespect to you, but You can have him. "Anderson's teams went 23-11 and finished 5th in the conference in both of his final two seasons with Missouri. The Tigers made the NCAA tournament both years but fell out in the first weekend both times. 8-8 in Big 12 play" How does this record equate to 2.2 million or whatever he's getting? SIO3
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