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snagged in outlet 3

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Everything posted by snagged in outlet 3

  1. Nice Leonard!!! I'm think I have a condo booked down there around Aug. 14 for a few days so maybe I'll see ya then. SIO3
  2. Hi 3WT Here's something I found on another thread. "Take the Rosati exit from I-44 -- 5 miles or so East of St. James. Take Highway KK South through town and continue on for about 3 miles. Turn right on County Road 3620 and left on Besmer Rd." Hope this helps, SIO3
  3. Man that's nice!!! Can you have trebles on in the CnR area's? SIO3
  4. When you pull into the area there are boxes with maps and regs. SIO3
  5. I think my comment was misunderstood. We need to find safe, renewable alternatives to oil or we will be held captive to foreign country's until we do. I wouldn't call China and India "speculators" They are gobbling up commodities at a rate we can't imagine. Steel, copper, oil and even grain. They have driven steel prices through the roof. Here is a quote from T. Boone Pickens. He predicted $70 oil for 07 in 06, and $100 oil in 07 for 08. Pickens is a firm believer in the "Peak Oil" theory that world oil production is about to enter a period of nonstop decline in the face of rising demand. He doesn't believe "speculators" are to blame. SIO3
  6. They can pump oil till they're blue in the face and it won't change anything. Our refineries our at capacity and if we don't build new ones, it won't matter how much we pump out of the ground if we can't refine it. SIO3
  7. I think you're right, the limit is one smally up there. I bet Al can confirm it for sure. Again, good job. SIO3
  8. Good job Bman. At least you did what you could. I would think if he's local someone will recognize him. That's been a real problem down there for years. SIO3
  9. I think John can verify these suggetions. Below Norfork dam can be fished from shore. The State Park below Bull Shoals dam has access. I'm sure there are places around Cotter because I see people on the bank when we float by. Good luck. SIO3
  10. This may be late but....... I believe the office is open if the area is open. 636-441-4554 SIO3
  11. I'm not sure what kind of trap you're using but we used to use the nets with a tripod. We tied a piece of bacon in the middle. Worked like a charm, they liked it and couldn't get it loose to drag it away. SIO3
  12. Gas prices have shut down my fishing. Living in the St. Louis metro area puts us quite a ways from good fishing. A typical trip to Mountain Home is a tank down, a tank to drive around and a tank back. I sleep in the back of the Yukon so the only expense is gas. But when you add up 3 tanks at almost $4/gal it equals $275 for gas. A brother can stay home and play alot of golf on that kind of scratch. I guess it's not so much how much it is, but is it worth it for that kind of money. My wife and daughter are flying to Fort Myers round trip for $500. Last year it was $300 for the both of them. I don't think you could drive to Fort Myers and back for $500. I read the fishing reports of you guys living down there and it just drives me crazy wishing I could fish those places that much. SIO3
  13. Urban legend my friend. Keep searching you will find the answers grasshopper. I think it says something along the lines of "the MDC hopes and encourages the owner to allow friends and family to fish state stocked, private ponds and lakes" Sorry. SIO3
  14. Looks like lawyers got into fishing forums. SIO3
  15. I used it as a kid, that and hotdogs. Not many bait shops in the burbs. Works well at times just like any other bait for cats. Eels love it on the Mississippi River near St. Louis. SIO3
  16. So what happened Forsythian? Inquiring minds want to know. SIO3
  17. I have a 99 Yukon and your problem sounds familiar. Mine was caused by a bad rotor. It was riding high on the points and ran rough because it was missing one occasionally. SIO3
  18. This just keeps getting better. SIO3
  19. Am I the only one that see's the humor in this thread???!!! SIO3
  20. I've always told my daughter there are fishing trips and catching trips. She's nine now and says she prefers to go on the catching trips. I, on the other hand just want to go. SIO3
  21. We camp several times every fall down at Quarry. Best sleep I get all year. One of those big air mattreses and cold nights, man it doesn't get better than that. Oh, I also use an electric heater. A big gatorade jug is nice too . You couldn't get me to go in the summer though. Unless somebody comes out with central air conditioning for a tent. SIO3
  22. I've been wondering why the Corp puts such emphasis on saving farm fields while flooding homes. I work in the disaster mitigation and recovery field and their actions just don't make sense to me. Plan for the worse and hope for the best is what we hear all the time. Sounds like the corp has it backward. SIO3
  23. That's just sad. Prayers for you guys down there. SIO3
  24. I just called the dam line and they say it is equivalent to "18 additional units" Whew doggies!!! SIO3
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