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snagged in outlet 3

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Everything posted by snagged in outlet 3

  1. The ones at the Gov Center are put on by guys who want your business. Which is fine if you are comfortable telling them you are not interested in their services when you are done. The emphasis was on what group most of your doctors are in.
  2. That's all I use anymore. I bought a high dollar reel about 20 years ago and before I even used it I stumbled down a rock bank and fell. I used the hand my rod was in to break my fall and that poor reel was mangled. I have 5 spinning outfits all with Presidents. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ
  3. I had a suburban tick on me the other day. Got my wife inside for a thorough tick check that afternoon...๐Ÿ˜ I saw them at Baptist before too. Lots of canoes!!
  4. I'm only 61 but I've taken two classes at the Community College about SS and Medicare. I'll take them again and some others that are offered at the Govt Center...
  5. Are you on Medicare?
  6. I have a 1752 with the thinner hull (.08 gauge?). I put the Wetlander coating on the bottom and it works. Itโ€™s not even scuffed where I hit a rock with rebar exposed on it. A guy who blasts and coats pipe piles for me did it. I just had to buy the coating. Itโ€™s bullet proof.
  7. He says he got one. Troutt is closed now.
  8. There was one in Hannibal and downtown named Tom Sawyer too I thought.
  9. My insurance wouldnโ€™t pay until I was nearly legally blind. I could wait but I bucked up and did it. Doc said it might be 10 years or more until it was bad enough to have insurance pay.
  10. That was in Hannibal and downtown STL right?
  11. $10K and your done...
  12. Yep. The whole way down. Except a couple spots that logs or rocks flattened out for me....
  13. It's gotta be them right..... Couldn't be you๐Ÿ˜‚
  14. Nice! Now doesn't that feel better than trolling? I won't mention the chum....๐Ÿ˜€
  15. That study sure puts some light on it.
  16. No problem then. Let us know how you do. Pictures are nice too.
  17. Anymore, Taney is all you want in a flat bottom jet. You can take a beating out there. Iโ€™d like to see pics of @Smalliebigs new boat too. Come on Scott.
  18. Well it is a jeep ๐Ÿ˜‚
  19. Check this out. You might be on to something. Journal of Epidemiology article in April Conclusion Most healthcare interventions studied within recent Cochrane Reviews are not supported by high quality evidence, and harms are under-reported. Key words Evidence systematic review epidemiology quality safety harm https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0895435622001007
  20. Are there map cards for those smaller rivers? The rivers I'm on in the ozarks change after every flood. Dramatically sometimes too. Gravel gets moved around and a new island can pop up right after the high water.
  21. That 4 day weekend is typically pretty busy. The past 2 years it was PPPAACCKKEEDDD!!!!!! We quit counting at over 40 boats between trout hollow and fall creek. My buddy rents a house just below Fall Creek every year that weekend so I usually go down.
  22. I've burned through a couple pairs of cheapos from Amazon. They get it done...
  23. Show us some pics of it.
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