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snagged in outlet 3

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Everything posted by snagged in outlet 3

  1. Took me a year after my divorce. My lawyer, her lawyer, credit cards and court fees. That was back in the day of "the schedule". How much do you make, how many kids, pay this much. I lived in my car in a buddies basement garage for a while and stayed with friends or family on the weekends. Couch surfed I guess!😂 Finally got enough to share an apartment with a guy I worked with. Went many Thursday's and Fridays without food until the next paycheck came. It turned out to a good quit-smoking program. Easy to quit if you can't buy them....Good times!!😀
  2. Same here. Same every year.
  3. There was a bunch living under the 70 bridge near historic St. Charles. They were right in the heart of a new river front development. The city decided that area “needed” some structural help so they brought in some giant rip rap. Nobody could live on that stuff. I don’t know where they went after that. I see a few people trying to panhandle in the county near the grocery stores but they won’t be there long. Not sure what they do with them or where they go.
  4. I wanted to say there was but I haven’t been down there in a while. Thx!
  5. What is a couch surfer?
  6. I didn’t think motorized boats were allowed up the Buffalo?
  7. There was a guy that panhandled at the intersection, 2 blocks from our offices. Multiple people offered him jobs here. He not only didn’t want a job he got angry if you offered him one. We literally can’t hire enough people. Amazon and GM advertise for help it’s so badly needed. Crazy.
  8. We came up 44 and had to pull over numerous times to break the ice out of the wheel wells. In My buddies 4Runner.
  9. I don’t, and never have lived in STL City proper where that number comes from. The city population makes up a very small percentage of the metropolitan area population. Same in KC I think??
  10. STL normally has around 200 per year. 2023 has 158 down 20% from last year but in 2023: “Homicides determined to be justifiable are not included in the total count“ They changed the metric and the mayor and police chief are crowing about what a great job they did 😂. People in the know aren’t fooled
  11. Power of the V😂
  12. I didn’t think there were homeless populations outside of the big metro areas.
  13. Homeless?
  14. 20 what?
  15. I think it will settle out over time. Schools might get tired of chasing kids in the portal at some point.
  16. Is he getting NIL money from K state?
  17. I think I was at Taney for that ice storm. Took us 8 hours to get home.
  18. Nice one!! Way to go!
  19. Just announced contract extension for Drink
  20. I don’t blame these kids for opting out. It’s a job now, so you better get yours when you can. Whether in the NFL or NIL money.
  21. I watched the first quarter off and on. We had people over and my wife gave me the stink eye. Or crook eye. Not sure which but I got the message 😂
  22. Way to go , @Big Mike!!
  23. I bet it’s someone blocking the boat ramp…..😂
  24. Don’t pee after rigging a bait. Just sayin😂
  25. True. But I’m trying to get those out my mind. Evert time I think about them I only remember the good days. Not the 200 other days that I practiced casting and helped Exxon to record profits 😆
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