Aside from the increased amount of people on the water nothing else changed for me. I think it subsided a little this year. But that could be due to increased gas prices.
If you mean the tournament side of fishing….. I don’t care. If it leads to less fishermen, I hope it kills it😂. Anyone that PAYS to do something then calls themselves a “pro” is delusional. If I don’t think I’m earning enough money for what I’m doing I go find a better gig.
I was shooting from the hip with my comment. Sounds like fun though right? I haven’t seen one in the wild yet. My in-laws neighbor farm raised them. I would not like to be on the wrong end of a POd pig.
I’d gladly burn through a couple hundred rounds. Maybe organize drives and shoot them like a dove shoot. Not a dove “hunt”. A dove “shoot”. There’s a difference 😁
Get better. There’s a couple sick ones in the family but we’re going anyway. Not covid but one has “ walking pneumonia” is what they called it. Plus the little ones in daycare swapping snot. 😂. I’m going to enjoy everyone, eat like a king and take some vitamin C.