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Everything posted by shrapnel

  1. They were dumping for about 4 hours today, 30k+ CFS. Of course, they shut it down when the Wed nighter started...lol. BTW, got in the middle of the absolute largest school of surfacing white's I have ever seen in my life this evening...it was not easy to stay focused on the bass tournament!!!
  2. darn things are getting braver...a guy played tug of war with one with what was left of his catfish he had on a stringer on a dock this week.
  3. Thanks for your infinite wisdom. I'm aware there is current, but when they are drawing 900CFM is not what cases the fish to stack up, 8,000+ maybe. You're also aware that a stiff breeze will negate any current at lower CFM and push more water than a little draw through the dam, even the opposite direction. I'll play the wind any day over the current when they are not generating, as has been the case 98 of the last 100 days. As for bath water in Sept, also disagree. It's usually only the kids willing to jump in after Labor Day on most years.
  4. I'm not complaining fishing has been very good. I've just never been able to be in the right place at the right time when they were pulling water and 5lb bass were stacked up on points facing upstream chomping anything that gets pulled by.
  5. I check Amerens chart almost daily, generation has been almost nil all year. They let the minimum they can out to keep the river from drying up and that's about it I think.
  6. Current? On LOZ? What's that...Bagnell Dam only opens more than 1000CFS now in extreme rain situations.
  7. Send PETA a message that there is a rare endangered pelagic species in that part of the lake...shoot out CANCELED.
  8. Otter's don't like water patrol. Duh.
  9. Here is my report. Kept a dozen, threw many more back.
  10. Our HOA has hired a trapper he is supposed to start in September. He has agreed to release all otters unharmed in the Gravois arm.
  11. I would do what your guide suggests. Montecs are good heads, never liked expandables had way to many issues with them.
  12. Are these shipping from Nigeria? Good luck man, if you actually get them I might try it, thanks for being the guinea pig!
  13. I would not consider Crappie a "more desirable table fare" Not even close, white bass is much better in my opinion, I just with they would show themselves on LOTO.
  14. I light fuses / blow stuff up for a living. Avatar, been a loyal Daiwa fan for 3 decades now.
  15. How many yds per spool?
  16. I ended up not being able to fish it...results posted anywhere?
  17. He also could have turned the boat and quartered the wind and waves instead of holding straight into them and taking them directly over the bow...the other Captain figured it out.
  18. Sounds like 11 confirmed dead now. These storms were well advertised ahead of time, there's no sugar coating it, someone made a very bad decision. I don't know that a life jacket would help in 5 footers with a 70mph wind shoving water in your face. The county went under a warning almost 30 minutes before this happened.
  19. Not gonna happen, it's already dropping some. I expect it will fluctuate over nite and maybe top 660 but won't see 662. The river however, is up 15' This is the most sustained current the fish have seen in months though...I predict it will take 40lbs for a 4 fish limit tonight to win it.
  20. 6" just N of Camdenton. I'd say we have hit 4" easy so far here in the Glaize and its flat pouring.
  21. Dam is wide open, might have to rethink my tourney strategy for tonite!
  22. I am wired directly to the battery. Not looking forward to pulling a transducer cable through the boat for a 3rd time this year. I am so tempted to tell them to shove it, cut my losses and use the $500 deposit to buy another Garmin.
  23. Have bought 2 Lowrance units in the last 3 yrs, and one Garmin. NEITHER of the Lowrance units worked as they should out of the box, one was resolved with a call to tech support last year. Have a brand new Hook 2 that was installed, needed a reset? to get working properly, had the transducer sheared off 2 weeks later and ordered a new one, installed it this past weekend and now that doesn't work! AFTER 1 HOUR AND 20 minutes (most of that on hold) they want me to send them a $499 deposit to send me a new unit and will return the money when they get my broken one back. It just doesn't sit right with me, I already paid for the product, and they want more money (temporarily) to send the replacement for that product? 60 minutes on hold is unacceptable customer service. How about you send me a paid shipping label I can print out to return the unit and you send me a new one when you get it! Not happy. P.S. The Garmin is solid. Rant over.
  24. He got me fixed up good last year with a fuel issue and I haven't had a need since. Bout to go break something just for an excuse to hang with a legend.
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