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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Had a little work related travel in Rolla, so slipped over to the Maramec after the last meeting (11:00 ish) to get a little fishing in before heading home. Ended up in the Red Ribbon area just outside the park, and found the rainbows pretty willing to hit on woollies and san juan worms. Definitely caught a few stockers, but no complaints as they were all willing to fight.
  2. Excellent fish and report - hit it just a couple of days before you. Had it all to myself. Wish I could get down that way more regularly!
  3. Found this site about a year ago when I last visited the Little Piney. Got back to Rolla for a couple of days (work), and was able to slip down to the Lane Spring area of the Little Piney the morning of 3/17 for a couple of hours. Thought I would try out a recommendation found on this site - peacock and partridge soft hackle. Started off with a nice 6" or so fish, and, knowing the history of this stream figured that may be the biggest of the day. As others noted, would take two or three little ones before a section stopped hitting. Kept working downstream past the bend with down tree and began to fish the hole with the big pool that opens on the west side. Hooked one that stayed deep, felt heavier than usual, but able to through the hook. Couple of casts later had another heavy hit, and was able to land this nice 10 - 11" rainbow. Needless to say, made my day. Looks like the population there may be picking up.
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