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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by liphunter

  1. I won’t be making it to this after all.
  2. I have mine on a separate poll. I didn't like having it on the TM. For me. I find having it on a separate poll because what the the boat is doing in most cases doesn't matter. As long as I can follow the fish with the pole and cast accordingly. It's a lot easier for me personally to track them on a free pole as to try and track them with TM. Just whatever works best for someone.
  3. I have to admit I try to stay out of this crap. There is no good end to these conversations. But this statement, I'm sorry really got me. My daughter being a occupational therapist at a large hospital in KC has to wade in disease riddled individuals every day. I got your sheep buddy. Why don't you come and get it! 28 people died at Cox in the month of July. None were vaccinated. I so want to let you know what I think of you. But out respect to Phil. I won't. I'm done with ya. You can all die for all I care!!!
  4. That's Mrs. Feldman, Marty's wife. They have been happily married for years. Still really haven't got a good look at each other.
  5. Reconsidered
  6. Probably had a little sign on her forehead that said, "Your Tax Dollars at Work"
  7. bada-bing!
  8. Now relax, and let's see how many centimeters your dilated!!! 😁
  9. Hey guys and gals. At one time there was a thread on here where people would share pics of there boats. That was a fun thread, and I really enjoyed looking at all the boats. I love boats of all kinds. If I were a man of means. I would have a Puma in my shop. But I'm not, so I don't. lol Anyway, if that thread is still around? Would someone be able to help finding that? TIA. Mike
  10. That's brilliant Dan. I wish I would have thought of that. Be like eye fishing with a TR Britannica!!!
  11. Reminds me of the reign of Caligula 😝
  12. I've got a job interview with this company tomorrow. Wish me luck! 😁
  13. If you were maybe interested in a middle of the road air rifle with a middle of the road price for pest at home. Nothing special or fancy. Just don't Woody to fall off the stock the first time I use it. lol What one would be you choice? Mike
  14. Can you believe that at my age, I am just starting to get that? Grrr
  15. Yea you did!!! That's a great day anywhere!!!
  16. I was going to put this in funny stuff, but I was afraid people wouldn't take me seriously!!! Happy to help!
  17. I would prefer to catch keepers, but I get excited catching 13 and 14 inchers. I just want to feel that tug and fight. It's a bit relative. On some lakes a 13 or 14 inch is a keeper.
  18. I ate a lot of frog legs when I was younger. When I was a kid. We used to go to the strip pits and get them. I was told they taste like a rattle snake. Found out later, rattle snake taste like chicken!😉
  19. I love a lawnmower with a square steering wheel! Makes cutting corners better!
  20. That's cool you guys have that kind of experience and knowledge. Must be years doing it. I'm like Mitch on this one. Don't know enough to try.
  21. For the more mature folks.
  22. You could fish in my boat Mitch.
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