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Everything posted by 3DHUSKER

  1. Too clarify. There is one ducer with livescope currently . The question is running a HD unit or standard definition unit with that ducer. Hearing the picture is better with standard unit to the eye.
  2. So looking to add this to my boat. Question: I have heard that a standard definition unit has a better picture than the HD units for viewing. For those of you who have seen both, is this true? The scuttlebutt is it looks like standard tv program on a HD unit in comparison. Who has seen both and what is your opinion?
  3. Thanks for the education. When all of this 19 stuff is done I will be able to take vacation and do some fishing. Until then... Work work work.
  4. Ok , trying to catch up on all the new terms and baits is liking starting over. I guess after 20 years I am starting over. Silly me.
  5. What is a Zero? 20 years ago there was a zero spinner bait. Guessing its something new and not that old thing.
  6. All good suggestions. No matter what something needs to be done if we are to conserve this resource for real.
  7. True, its like a shiny new nickle. May keep them busy til the next new thing comes out.
  8. Nice fish. Love the look of those K's
  9. That is what all tournaments should be. Bragging rights only. Catch, weigh and release immediately.
  10. Good news is I am currently working on a cloaking device for boats. When i get it right I will be rich.
  11. Valid point although most spots will be hit 876 times a day anyway. Pretty sure there are spots that are still as good today as they were over 20 years ago. The amount of fishing pressure 20 years ago compared to today is so much greater that you better bet on seeing a boat or 12 on the same spots your fishing.
  12. In.. That way I am not labeled a lurking member. I can clearly recognize one of those ceder trees on the bank from the last time I fished TBL (that was 1995). Love the entertainment this site provides.
  13. LOL... Your funny. I am sure everyone else sees a GPS request also. No problem. It's all good.
  14. If your willing i can tell you where to drop them off. Its funny that you say that when you were looking for a report and details a few days back.
  15. So spill the beans on where and how.
  16. With its location and its size. Most likely a Chain Pickerel.
  17. A few from the Chi shows when they fly through the city.
  18. Bike path Bipe
  19. Nice. It has always been a good time. Seen them on the beach also at Chicago air and water show flying threw the city between buildings. I will see if I can find those pictures also.
  20. I cant get to the pictures from work they have everything on lock down. I have some with them giving us the 👍 as they go around. They are CLOSE.
  21. Yep, that is where it was at. My little brother lives up on the bluff there. We went to the air show one day and sat at his house and had drinks and watched it from there the next.
  22. You have to admit that would be a cool picture. Looking for my Blue angel pictures when they were flying over my brothers house on the turn during the air show. I will post some when I track them down.
  23. So they are flying 2 bass boat lengths above houses? You need a picture of that or it didn't happen.
  24. 3DHUSKER


    I am dying to get out myself. Lots of reports on here of what has been working as of late.
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