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merc1997 Bo

OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by merc1997 Bo

  1. i fished downstream last night, and it was very hard for us to come up with a bite at all. the weights indicate the difficulty. however, after 1 am and the lake traffic calmed down, we did catch some nice bass in the indian point area. ended up with 6 keeps. interesting mixture as three of the keeps were 3lb. meanmouths, one 3lb. kentucky, one 2 1/2 brownie, and 16 inch lmg. plus, a bonus 6lb. flat head. we caught out bass around 20 ft. deep. bo
  2. great job of figuring out the bite and where the bass are positioned. this is evidence that the bass are finally adjusting to the water level. it would not surprise me if the fishing will be better back in the coves and creeks for a while because of all the fresh water that has came down all the drains. bo
  3. you are not on the same page with me. the parking lot on the ramp side has a ditch at the top side of the parking lot. with the water as high as it is not the water in within 4 ft of the end on the parking lot. that means there is not enough wiggle room to pull in and get the boat in the water, park and leave room for anyone else. however, over on the boat dock side, you can launch very easily on that side, and have a minimal amount of parking. bo
  4. when in the hell has the mdc stocked crappie in table rock????? bo
  5. quill if you launch at big m, you will need to do so over on the dock side. there is a big ditch up at the top of the lot on the ramp side that would be quite hard to contend with until the water recedes some. bo
  6. that was great considering what the lake conditions are. there are more available yards to fish on the lower end. bo
  7. i am sure this will apply when a good flowing tributary is entering the main channel. however, when i have observed the current going down stream any place on the lake, and they shut off the water flow, you experience a small slack water period, and then the current starts running upstream that kind of eliminates plunge point current. at any rate, to be successful, one has to acknowledge and adjust to current whether it is going downstream or upstream. when they have really been running lots of water and then shut the flow off, you will see and experience that same upstream current several miles up a big cove or river arm of the lake. bo
  8. it is not any different that if you take a long narrow trough with water in the bottom and tilt slightly length wise and set back down. how long does that water go back and forth before ever being quiet again?? now, with 40 miles of water, just how much energy is all pushing up to a stop, and then bouncing back in the other direction?? why do all the big boat wakes bounce back all the way across the lake? equal and opposite reactions apply here. anyway, when i am suspecting to be dealing with current in the main lake, i keep a weighted line, with a piece of light cloth material on it. i can lower it into the water and watch the cloth for water flow direction and amount of current. it works the same for hunting slack water areas to look for bass that want to get out of the current. a mass of water going down an impoundment travels a bit differently than one might think. good reason for the string and cloth. one other thing to consider is direction of retrieve when fishing an area in the current. quite similar to river fishing. bo
  9. champ, i did not think you owned a fillet knive . bo
  10. correct on both questions. current on the upper end has always been hard for me to fish and be successful. down on the lower end, it seems to get the bass active. up here, i find them to mostly suspend. when i am fishing the upper end, and current is running, i most often get off the main drag and stick to the coves. bo
  11. the backward current happens when the shut the water off. you have all that water hit the dam, and then it back up creating the backward current. so, if you happened to have anything figured out with the down stream current, you have to start all over when the current begins to move upstream. bo
  12. have not been there, but at 928 the parking lot will be covered with water. bo
  13. pretty typical until there is some stabilization in the water. bass are bass, and there will be some move up fairly shallow in that colored water. you and champ both showed to try a variety of presentations. too many get into a rut of fishing the same thing all the time. even switching up your speed can make a huge difference. bo
  14. sounds like a great trolling motor pattern. bo
  15. none of my business really, but how did this thread now become one on how kids are coached today?? bo
  16. champ is that legal to catch those pets over at bella vista?? well, i don't blame you. i would probably be on a first name basis with everyone of them. there are some really big bass in some of those lakes there. bo
  17. who might that be?? i want to follow them ! bo
  18. believe it or not but turkeys are quite hard on the quail population. they love quail eggs and are very adept at finding them. hmmmm?? wonder if one could train a turkey to find bass?? bo
  19. the marina ramp will still work at higher levels. at 921 the corp ramp should still be usable, but you will have to park in the lot back by the highway. bo
  20. you live over in an area that i have roots in. my mom is from mountain home. the baxter county hospital and all the doctors offices are built on their old farm. i have tramped and killed many quail on that very ground. i have caught many bass and bluegill out of the pond in the bottom down below the hospital. my granddad's house there on 5 did have a real estate office in it for a while, and last time i was down there noticed that it has some medical something in it now. town used to just butt up to the farm, but it is now part of town. i can remember when the only pavement in mountain home was on the square. many places where we used to quail hunt are now covered over with asphalt and buildings. i would suppose that quail hunting there is like it is here, only memory. there is just not any cover or food for them any longer. bo
  21. is that so you can catch them?? bo
  22. yep, it can be a 4 ft. wave of water. you evidently have not seen the wall of water that can come down dry hollow. i have seen water to the bottom on the dry hollow bridge several times since 1963 when we moved to cassville. bo
  23. if they actually operated that boat much, they would do a much better job at launching it. the thought of people that can not back and parallel park also scare me to know they are driving up and down the road. guess that is why we are to drive defensively both on the road and on the water. bo
  24. i repeat the same that i posted on another thread. do you really think this person can drive that boat with the skill needed on a lake as busy as table rock is anymore?? do you think they have a clue where to safely drive the boat?? the answer to both questions is NO!!!!! over the weekend, the lake was as busy traffic wise as any interstate, but how many boat operators were out there that actually qualified to be called a skilled and knowledgeable boat operator?? very few. bill, i guess you could look at the water coming over into the boat as a free carpet flushing. helps keep the nap of the carpet up. . bo
  25. you might be quicker to call around to get your answer. there are several good dealers and shops in the area. bill vance marine here in cassville. fred ulrich is great. there is a good dealer at branson west, and i am sure that someone will help me with some other choices. bo
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