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Daffron Outdoors

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  1. Thank you Al. You're a legend. 80 on Crooked was not what I would consider ideal, but when you gotta hit the river, you gotta hit the river. I'm not afraid to be rough on my canoes. Caught my PB Smallie about 2 miles above the slab. Ill attach a pic. Thanks for the advice Al. Its extremely appreciated.
  2. I'm hoping I get a response from the King of the Ozarks, Al Agnew. Regardless, here's my question. What's the absolute minimum CFS you would float a section of the Buffalo? We do am annual Christmas float. Crooked is pushing it. The lowest I've floated Crooked on a Christmas float was 10 ft and about 80 cfs. But I don't know how that translates to the gauges on the Buffalo. What's a section I should be looking for, and what reading should I be looking for? I don't mind occasionally dragging. Wanting to do a 2 day 1 night float if possible. I know everything has been pretty low this fall. Even the spring fed rivers were low in October and November. Any advice is welcome. Even an alternative. Anywhere shuttling this late in the year would be great too. Just need a vehicle shuttle. Thanks yall.
  3. Could really use some help guys. Desperately trying to float Friday and Saturday. No shuttle services are available on the upper current. Yes, I tried. I don't know how to read the huzzah gauge, as I have never floated it. I know its gonna be low, but is it too low? Its at 60 cfs and 2.3 feet. And if it is far too low, what's a recommended river? I just did the JF two weeks ago, so I don't really want to go that route. Thanks in advance guys
  4. https://youtu.be/pSCAw4HZV1w?si=LtBfkbfwqIVXcrD8
  5. Floated Mark Oliver to Yellville City Park on a 2 day trip. The water had risen from recent rain. Level was 10.3 and 130 flow when we put in. By the next afternoon, flow was down to about 60. Lot of scraping, but tore the Smallies up. My buddy used mostly spinners and caught a few goggle eye as well. I caught everything on a Rapala Shadow wrap. All released. I also filmed the trip and put it on Youtube. Go check out "Daffron Outdoors" if you enjoy those kind of videos!
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