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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Just curious, where will you be going for the next year?
  2. Well, I pulled the trigger. Now it's just a matter of a couple of weeks until it gets here. I looked at all of that too. The only negatives I found were concerning electronics. Now it's just a matter of time. I can handle a $30.00 loss if it's a POC, but if it's a good reel I'll be happy.
  3. That's what I was thinking too. I'm still on the fence, but if I decide to pull the trigger I'll let you know how it turns out.
  4. I have been playing around on Ebay a bit lately looking and bidding on a few baitcasting reels and came across some really nice looking reels made in and shipped from china. They look a lot like the Pinnacle reels that I own, which are also made in China. My question is: Does anyone have any firsthand knowledge about these reels? Aside from waiting about 30 days to receive it and the obvious return issues, what would be the pros and cons with something like this? http://www.ebay.com/sch/108153/i.html?item=360801991245&_ssn=tomtop.wholesaler&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l4065
  5. Great report Ducky. BTW, Happy Birthday Captain Doty!!!
  6. Is this how the 6 Million Dollar Man was constructed? LOL Good article.
  7. Very interesting!!
  8. Nice fish Seth.
  9. Nice report Ducky. Just curious, how much difference is there between white rabbit fur and white mink? Rabbit I have, mink I don't. Lol.
  10. Nice articles. Congrats!
  11. How much does it cost to buy a Superbowl ring? Absolutely pathetic!!! The start of the 3rd quarter was all of the embarrassment I could stand. Go Chiefs!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Nice fly Wrench. I've got some sinking leaders I'm dying to try.
  13. Good deal Phil. .
  14. I wasn't sure if it would post and I had to leave right after. The shooting and editing is definitely great. I watch a lot of these videos and this is one of, if not the best I've seen.
  15. They are smart fish.
  16. I thought this was a great video. http://www.flydreamers.com/en/video/play-damsels-in-distress-v3905
  17. Pretty little things aren't they? I've been itching to fish Crane. I'll have to hit it soon.
  18. Both flies look great.
  19. Good looking fly BBT.
  20. I voted, How you work the jig. I don't think you have to fish a jig like it is always getting looked at. Meaning, I fish it like a crawdad that's just doing its thing. Sometimes lift it after it hits the bottom and sometimes let it sit and give it slight twitches. The next lift can be the trigger to getting a bite. As far as colors, I like a little difference between the skirt color and trailer. Black and blue, brown and lighter or darker brown, green the same, you get the picture. I like to keep a tight line on jigs because it can be a very subtle bite, especially on a long fall like bluff faces. Cast to the face of the bluff and after it hits bottom lift it slightly because the next ledge might be a few feet below. When it falls to the next ledge is usually when the bite comes. Rattle? You don't need them unless the water is dirty, and if it is you'll need to have a bigger profile. If you want a fighting profile on your jig, use a craw trailer and rig it so the trailer rides high off the hook. This will put the pinchers up higher and they will give more movement in the water.
  21. Welcome to the forum Randy.
  22. It looks similar to the old Cordells. My former father-in-law still makes them. I've caught some great fish out of Cape Fair on them, 3/8 oz. I think. I may still have one or 2 laying in the bottom of the tackle box. We used Indiana blades instead of hammered blades. They were the best for night fishing. Is the line tie wrapped wire or open? The Cordells we used, and he made, were wrapped wire.
  23. House cat or a feral cat. Either way I don't see anything that suggests Cougar or Bobcat.
  24. I guess I'm stupid. I had the feeling that Flyman was talking about Stockton Lake. Just my first impression. Either way it seems a little bit funny to me. Apparently Phil knows, so I'll go with that.
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