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Brook Silverside

Brook Silverside (11/89)



  1. North ramp open, not a lot of parking with south ramp closed..
  2. Yes, caught a five pound rainbow in Aunts creek last march. Caught it on a grub .. Every for or five years I catch a trout in Table rock..
  3. Any word on Aunts creek ramp, is it open?? Also is the dock on the north ramp underwater?
  4. I just drove down there myself, South ramp might be under water until JULY? North ramp little better shape, still not able to put in yet also lots of trees-trash covering lot..
  5. I put in at State park ramp yesterday, no problem. I hope before summer gets here the water drops and more boat ramps will be open. It was busy for a monday, had to be 25 trucks and trailers there when I left at 1Pm. Fishing in the forest was interesting, I did catch a few on Spinnerbait back in the trees. Also like that backyard fishing with the Ned rig.. Not a bad day after all...
  6. Any problems putting in a State park ramp???
  7. Any word if Aunts creek ramp North or South is open??
  8. Is Aunts creek ramp open? North or South ramp?
  9. Never seen a "TUGBOAT" in Tablerock...
  10. We going eat or Fish???
  11. Thanks for the info Boys, I am just back from Aunts creek ramp. No problem getting my 19 ft F-S in the south ramp at this time. Does make it hard not to know where the end of ramp is, just don't want to drop off end of ramp and have trailer problems. PS- fishing not the best for me only 3 shorts on the Ned..
  12. Hey BILL- would the front ramp be the South or north Ramp?? Thanks
  13. With the water down, what ramp would be better to use At Aunts creek Ramp North or South Ramp?? I heard a story about someone backing off the end of ramp due to low water, don;t no if it was north or south ramp? come on rain.. Thanks..
  14. Glad to see to caught a few in Aunts creek, I put in at Aunts yesterday also, two hours of fighting the wind and I was done. Zero fish for me, thought for sure they would eat the blade with the wind no go. I be back next week...
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