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Bigmouth Buffalo

Bigmouth Buffalo (5/89)



  1. Tore the seats out of my new boat a few years ago on taneycomo left it full of scat and fish carcass also snapped a good tfo fly rod it was a 1400 dollar night out for them. I can think of a lot of words for Otters and cute isn’t one of them
  2. Caught this a few weeks ago on a big Rogue at the Mdc ramp right before a storm measured 28 inches any guesses on the weight. It was the last cast before we had to out run Mother Nature
  3. Has anyone one tried a dry along the bluffs in the upper sections yet (hoppers etc.) or is the water so clear that this bite isn't happening yet. would like yall thoughts on this headed down for two weeks Saturday
  4. looks like o2 levels are high again Tablerock must have turned
  5. Does anyone know what the surface temps on Tablerock are when it hits mid 50s lake should turn and we will see DO levels on Taney get high again hoping it happens before Thanks giving but that is wishful thinking im sure
  6. With the water coming through the dam at 57 to 58 degrees I would think table rock will turn a little earlier than normal this year
  7. Any speculation when repairs on powersite might begin ? I think I saw bull shoals at 686 today not sure what level they need to do repairs to the bladder. Tcomo levels at 699 can make navigation a little tuff
  8. The cars are now marked with large red floats thank you to who ever did this {I'm guessing it was Phil} I saw a boat hit the outside car this morning very hard a good jolt to all the folks aboard but all were ok
  9. Wow two days of holding the lake down and nothing gets done this is certainly putting a damper on how I like to fish to bad I can't get a vacation do over
  10. Had enough water to make it to cable Thursday afternoon caught fish from cable to trophy run throwing 1/8 jigs sculpin orange and chartreuse white on both sides up and down fishing was good for mid day bright sun not great but was a fun afternoon . Caught rainbows browns smallmouth and spots we will see what the low water brings Friday and Saturday would like to see some logs cut that are right at water level
  11. Let's hope they get it done this time
  12. Took a ride up lake this morning about 10am nothing happening with the car situation saw the survey folks out and asked them what was up they said the bags to float the cars had not come in maybe wed maybe next week might be next month they did not know . All I know is this low water is making upper lake navigation a little tuff
  13. I wish I had an old boat and a chainsaw to go at some of those logs that will be visible Tuesday there is one right in the middle at the gravel boat ramp that is nasty
  14. Heard rumor that taneycomo will be drawn down Tuesday to remove the used car lot from in front of fall creek dock that would be nice seeing that I found an SUV with my boat today I've hit a lot of stuff in Taney but that was my first Buick . Does anyone know this to true about the draw down
  15. any signs of a dry fly or hopper bite coming down in a week and hoping to hopper
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