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Green Sunfish

Green Sunfish (24/89)



  1. Congrats Seth
  2. yo one funny feller.To bad yo cant kill a duck!


  3. still mad about that skin I left on your filet.....t'aint ya?
  4. oh,my bad.....thank you!
  5. .....hard to miss when you got old ladies in lawnchairs and fish on,screaming at you for snagging them!BWHAHAHAHAHEEHEE
  6. Id worry about it being high more so than low this time of year.Dont be surprised if you still catch trout along with smallmouths.Theres at least one pay to play trout feeder stream still above hwy 8 where escapees get in the mac. Streams thin and faster up by low water bridge and widens and slows as you near hwy 8......so save some energy to paddle last 3rd of float.
  7. that's hurtful....not the name call'n,just you couldn't come up wit something better'n that!
  8. ....what...no pic's?LOL Did you try lighter line?
  9. Wow,very nice!Had to watch the cast twice was hard to believe the first time!Well done!
  10. nice Bman
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