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Fishing Buddy
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About rcguy

  • Birthday 03/26/1947

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  • Location
    Shawnee, Kansas
  • Interests
    Fishing and RC Airplanes

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Orangethroat Darter

Orangethroat Darter (33/89)



  1. At the meeting in the Fall I believe they said after the last inspection they determined the pilings are deteriorating enough that they should only be rated to carry 5 tons. That was from the park superintendent. I hope they put a sign near the road on 64, NO RV’S.
  2. We really liked staying at Hidden Valley Outfitters right across from Bennett last week.Full hookups we’re great. I tried fishing the river a few hours but got nothing. In the park a harvester midge (olive with black wire) produced pretty well and also a peach egg pattern. I fished mostly up by the island. Only a couple of hours per day in the evening. We met some friends camping and overall it was a great last camping trip of the season. Hopefully I’ll get down for some winter fishing this year.
  3. Fishing was pretty good what little I fished. Did a lot of relaxing and visiting with friends. The crowds we pretty low and I saw a couple of lunkers hauled in. It was a good trip. Nice and cool.
  4. The wife and I are heading to Hidden Valley Outfitters on Monday thru Friday next week oct. 23rd. I’m hoping it won’t be so crowded during the week. I know the campground is full on the weekend because of their Halloween party at HVO. One last camping/fishing trip before winterizing the camper.
  5. I fished two Sunday evenings the last two weeks. It was slow for me but I caught a few on various flys and jigs. Midges, tricolor glow ball, white minijig and bedspread jigs all produced or at least got a strike. Several guys did well stripping crackle backs. If you get to the stream early I'm sure you will do well. There are some really nice fish in there.
  6. Wife is doing well. A little off balance sometimes but pretty good. I fished Bennett in a couple of evenings while we were camping at Pomme a week ago. Ran in to flyfishinfool I had not seen for 5 years. He was up at the island where he usually fishes. Fishing was a little slow but I caught a few nice ones. There are some nice fish in the stream.
  7. I'm going to try the dock next time. A neighbor camping near me caught his limit. I went to Bennet to get in the cool stream.
  8. I am camping at Pomme de Terre state park and drove to Bennet on Sunday evening. I fished up at the island. I happened to run in to flyfishinfool and we had a great time chatting and fishing. I had not run in to him on the stream for 5 years. Fishing was slow but I did catch a couple of nice ones and had a couple break off. A nice couple of hours in cool temps. I'll probably head back down some evening while I'm here at Pomme. I have another week here.
  9. Omg....stay hydrated. Keep the heat away from Kansas City.
  10. Some guy by the hatchery inlet is catching one every cast.
  11. This is fun. I'm drinking coffee at home and watching the fishing! Oh, there's NoLuck catching all the fish!
  12. Wife is in rehab now and doing really well. We might be camping this year after all!
  13. Man, fly fishing sounds like sounds like wonderful getaway today. My wife had mild stroke Feb. 2nd and left her unable to walk or put a sentence together. She is in rehab now. Enjoy every minute on that stream fellas...it can be gone in a heartbeat. Hopefully she recovers enough so we can go camp at Bennet or Pomme this year. I drive to fish Bennet from Pomme de terre state park. It's only 30 minutes. I'll watch on the trout cam!
  14. I see on the facebook group "friends of Bennett springs" that there is a lot of gravel being removed from the stream.
  15. This will be interesting to see what's done.
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