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Everything posted by Champ188

  1. I had a stretch of holes like that last Sunday afternoon. Just not enough of them.
  2. Very nice round, Vernon. Anything in the 70's is a victory for me. Like abk said, really impressive to do it admist that three-hole brain break. LOL. Again, nice round. Look forward to joining you soon.
  3. Thanks for a rare live report, Hammer. Glad you got out and rousted up a few.
  4. If you're losing contact (pressure) on the fish, sounds like your rod action is too heavy. I use nothing bigger than 6-pound test on my spinning rods, none of which are heavier than M/Fast, and I'm lake fishing most of the time, so I catch fish up to 5-6 pounds on them. If the tip of the rod doesn't stay bent during the tussle, you're gonna lose a bunch of fish.
  5. I've had very little trouble with Pro-Guide but Wrench knows what he's talking about regarding the cool-down cycle. You'll also preserve the life of your batteries by running as much trolling motor as you can afford, i.e. a 36-volt will not stress your batteries as much as a 24-volt because you just aren't gonna be running it as hard.
  6. Plug, I've used that same analogy about playing with a cat where reaction bites are concerned. And I've seen it proven in big trailer-type tanks at outdoor shows. I like to say you can't force one to eat when he's not hungry, but you still stand a chance to tee him off or tease him into biting by continually putting something into his private space.
  7. Lots of good info there, BearFisher. Thanks for sharing!
  8. I'm with you but I'll add one thing ... bass in dirty water hardly starve to death and they eat the same forage as the ones on the big end of the lake. To my knowledge, there are no chartreuse/hunter orange shad or fuscia crawdads. So up to the point that the water is just chocolate brown, I usually throw something on the natural side myself.
  9. My daytime fish have been the same. I have one little area up the White where they have been for 2 months and on a good day, they'll eat all day as long as you pull off of them every 30-45 minutes and give 'em a break. I have a couple more spots not more than 50 yards long that aren't quite as good but they are there. But if you get one cast outside of those 50-yard stretches, you might as well keep the boat on the trailer and just fish in the parking lot.
  10. Very nice bags. Meador is an official Beaver Lake hammer.
  11. Fairways and greens, brother.
  12. There's those keepers that the rest of us can't catch. Still eating at night and sulking in the daytime, apparently.
  13. In my experience, smallmouth are the "women" of the bass species --- moody, flighty and downright unpredictable. Just when you think you have them eating out of your hand, they steal away in the dark of night for the next county. And some of 'em are just bat-dung crazy.
  14. Hey, he essentially called me a jerk.
  15. You are turning to golf in an effort to alleviate frustration?
  16. Hey, don't look now but I think Florida just scored another pick-six off your boy Drew Lock.
  17. I will get you down there in goggle-eye land someday. Need to take you down there on a good jerk bait trip in the winter but you just don't catch many gogglers that time of year. I haven't caught a ton of them myself coz of my river roots but the ones I have caught seem to be from KC downlake and very available in the spring months.
  18. Send a PM to Pepe.
  19. Big C is definitely fun to fish with. Look forward to making another trip with him soon.
  20. I have that nuclear cartoon on a coffee cup, QB. Love it. My all-time fave Larson is where a boy and his dad are looking over the fence at the house next door, where a wolf, a lion and assorted other mean animals are prowling around and going in and out of the house. Dad says to the boy, "Bobby, I know you miss the Wainrights, but they were weak and stupid people and that's why we have wolves and other large predators."
  21. It's OK, you old Slickster. We'll keep those bass on the run till you are up to getting back in the fray.
  22. Double like ^^^
  23. That's absolutely awesome, cheesemaster. Myself and the many other veterans here appreciate you posting it.
  24. You nailed it with that Lumpy Craw. They like that thing.
  25. I'll be danged. Mine has the same thing.
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