Agreed in full on every word, especially the relative importance of stripers vs. black bass when compared to the larger issues this nation is facing.
Beaver does have significant populations of both stripers and black bass, and I'm sure that's not likely to change anytime soon, if ever. Selfishly, I wish the stripers weren't there because I do believe the black bass fishing would be stronger. But that's irrelevant because they are there and black bass anglers, including myself, are not the lake's only angling user group.
As for tournaments, I'm not the big supporter that I used to be. I remember the days when tournament anglers policed themselves, i.e. when the occasional jackass drew complaints from other anglers --- especially the recreational, non-tournament group --- the old guard among the tournament guys would let him know that rude or unsportsmanlike behavior toward anyone on the lake would NOT be tolerated. This in itself created a more sportsmanlike atmosphere around derbies.
Today, the jackasses seem to have grown in number until self-policing is no longer effective. I still believe they are outnumbered by the courteous guys/gals, but there is enough of them that their presence is felt way too often and way too strongly. As has been discussed many times on OAF, courtesy and respect have become endangered species everywhere --- on the roads, on the lake, in the stores, just about anywhere you want to go. Sadly, we have a generation of young adults with far too big a percentage of entitled, selfish and downright rude brats. And some of them are driving bass boats and fishing in tournaments.
Onward, folks.