Couldn't agree more on the electro-fishing survey ... a very limited window and nothing more than a mildly effective tool in the difficult quest to sample the LMB/SM/KY population of a sprawling Ozark highlands reservoir.
Beyond that, where's the evidence of these 8-10 pounders? Last April 1-2, somewhere around 1,000 anglers put in 15 hours each during the Big Bass Tour event. Took 5.89 to win. That's right ... not even one 6-pounder was caught at that prime time of year. Three weeks earlier, in March when big bass are on the move, 200 of the nation's best BASS pros and co-anglers were here and just one 6-pounder was caught amongst them in three days of fishing.
As far as I know, there wasn't an 8-pounder caught all of last year in any tournament and maybe not even a 7-pounder. Nor do I recall hearing of any caught by recreational anglers. Probably were some 7's caught, but none come to mind.
I'd sure as heck love to see one and I'm sure others would, too. Just a picture would do.