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Everything posted by Champ188

  1. I can't believe a professional guide like CT would throw one of those piece of crap RC STX. How in the world does he catch anything on those? LOL
  2. Oh, it's on this weekend bigtime. The Open boys will surely be out there in droves. On Saturday, there's a 150-boat (at least) BFL derby out of State Park. There's another 70-boat, launch-anywhere solo pro event. Plus, there's a 40-boat (at least) Joe Bass tourney out of Kimberling City. On Sunday, the 70-boat, launch-anywhere solo pro event continues, plus there's a 70-boat Anglers in Action derby out of Kimberling City. Of course, there's also the normal load of recreational anglers. I'll be driving a Callaway this weekend instead of the Ranger.
  3. I do agree on changing hooks except on a few lures that I know come with quality hooks. I will also change the rings on my Ploopers before topwater season. Heard too many bad tales to ignore.
  4. A very nice thread packed with lots of undoubtedly hard-earned information. Thanks much for sharing, wareagle.
  5. I guess I'd rather spend my time looking for/catching fish than tinkering with split rings. I've been fishing nearly all of my 56 years, and to my knowledge, I've never had a split ring fail. I will change them if the manufacturer puts on rings that are too big for the line tie. Otherwise, I connect to the ring with a small crosslock-style snap and go fishing. The snap gives you another hinge point to give the bait maximum action.
  6. An RC STX in the right hands will catch plenty of fish.
  7. Disregard my original post. I missed the "white bass" in the subject line.
  8. I own dozens of Megabass, RC STX, Jackal, Lucky Craft and SPRO baits. I've won more money on the RC STX than any of them. Yes, you may get a bad one every now and then, but they are a decent bait and not a bad alternative for guys who don't want to empty their wallets for MB baits.
  9. Jerry would've been on the money 5 years ago, but Bo is right now. There is no place safe from the idiots. Gets significantly worse every year. Since they seem to have immunity from underwater objects or just about anything else in their path, they go where they want and whatever speed they want and to heck with whoever might be in their way.
  10. Phil had some Leadmasters a few years back at his fly shop. I bought myself a spare pair there. Might check and see if he has any left. Otherwise I would go with the ones that Dave and Bo are recommending. They both have more experience than the rest of us combined.
  11. If you want three colors that will serve you well in just about any conditions, I recommend these ... the top pic is Elegy Bone, the middle is Pro Blue and the bottom is Stain Reaction. That said, I have five jerk bait boxes containing well over 100 baits. Yes, I have a terminal case of jerk bait fever. Hope this helps ...
  12. I'm not anti-MDC or anti-AGFC and I think I've established that over the years. Still, since MDC is charged with both maintaining the fishery and monitoring/reporting its status, does anyone really believe they would come out and say the bass population is sub-par when they have no intention of doing any supplemental stocking?
  13. Now that's putting a fresh spin on BYOB.
  14. Keep on advertising BV lakes and I'll start publishing some primo March fishing spots on Grand.
  15. i'm waiting to add a second bow unit until they come out with a satellite TV option so I can watch football while fishing on weekends.
  16. And there you have the reason we need to take care of the ones we have. To catch more, we need to have more. As Bill pointed out earlier, we have the forage base to support more fish. Since MDC won't stock any more, it's up to us to keep practicing and promoting catch and release.
  17. You nailed it, Jerry. The internet is just a better mousetrap. Unfortunately, most newspapers have done a very poor job of transitioning over to electronic delivery, leaving the baby in the cradle of "the talking heads" who we all know are of questionable journalistic talent/integrity.
  18. Um, no ... although I understand it is the homeland of Larry the Cable Guy.
  19. And I thought Arkansas had a lock on that level of redneckery.
  20. Took a buddy today. Launched at Eagle Rock at around 7:30 and fished til 3:30. Went down as far as Owl Creek and upriver as far as state line. Had 23 total fish, but only 3-4 keepers, none of which were better than 2 pounds. Water temps ranged from 47-51. Caught one on a jerk bait, a couple on crank baits and the rest on the varmint. Fish are really starting to make a springtime move.
  21. And newspapers want to know why they are no longer relevant. Here you have a chance to fill a LOCAL news need, something folks have to work to find elsewhere, and you can't spare a few extra lines of space.
  22. Babler knows the biologists in the area. Maybe he can chime in.
  23. Johnny does sooooooo much for the sport, I'm surprised he hasn't built a launching facility on TR. Oh wait, he has. But he charges an entrance fee to use it. LOL
  24. Bill, as a career sports/outdoors writer for newspapers including the Arkansas Gazette (later the Democrat-Gazette), Pensacola News-Journal and Hot Springs Sentinel Record, I can assure you that Brent/Mike were beyond appreciative of your information. Sources like you make the newspaper's job so much easier. My fishing report locations ranged anywhere from 10 to 25 lakes/rivers, and most of my contacts were dock/fish camp owners who were wonderful people ... salt of the earth ... but it was like pulling wisdom teeth every week to get enough info to publish a worthwhile report.
  25. This all reminds me of a funny exchange between finesse jig guru Jim Eakins and a patron at a tackle show where Jim was working: Patron: So, Jim, how do you know a fish has the jig in his mouth? Eakins: Because they don't have hands.
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