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Everything posted by Champ188

  1. Wise words, Old Plug. I'd say most of us agree that using lighter line with finesse presentations results in more bites. Perhaps it isn't as much of a line visitbility issue as one of bigger line creating more vibrations as it moves through the water.
  2. Not to mention the 10 grams of meth they lost when it overturned.
  3. Why not just box up some old Warts and send them to Hughesy for the correct Missouri Craw paint job? Then you'll have the right color and those who buy theirs off the shelf won't.
  4. Pretty hard logic to beat right there. Every diver I've ever known says the same thing.
  5. Hodge, you said a mouthful there regarding some guides. Every destination lake has some who seem to paint the picture a bit rosier than it really is. Bill, you are not one of those. I would venture to say that in my years here on the forum, you have posted more reports of tough fishing than of how great it is. Thanks for all of the free info you share here.
  6. Can't be dead, J-Doc. You bite like a barracuda every time.
  7. Bill, hate to hear you got handcuffed like that. When a guide tells me we need to go to a certain part of the lake, I'm going to try and beat him there. I don't understand why you would hire one and not let him do his job. Glad to hear you got close enough to a dock to catch a couple. And hopefully you didn't leave any spinnerbaits hanging from weather vanes. LOL I think Hunter's topwater bite may be tied to the biologist's info that the fish are in the upper 20 feet of the water column ... shallow enough to see and come up for that topwater. You guys keep banging on them. I'm about to leave the house to go play in the first round of our two-day Bella Vista men's club championship golf derby. After that, the Ranger's gonna have Table Rock water on the bottom of it very soon.
  8. Most clubs require membership. Pairings are often done at monthly meetings. As to Webb Outdoors, the Central Pro tournaments are the ones you would want to fish. They have a lesser entry fee than the elite tournaments.
  9. Table Rock bite will be the first to improve.
  10. Hope you guys have a grand time, 96 Champ.
  11. If you're looking for a shallow bite, I'd wait until November. Good crank bait, spinnerbait, topwater, jig and Ned rig fishing all month.
  12. No sir, I am plenty comfortable in my own skin and clothes. No need to play bass pro dress-up.
  13. Very good info and a great screenshot. Thanks for sharing!
  14. Be sure and order yourself a jersey before you go, complete with dozens of "sponsor" logos and you last name in big block letters on the back. Then, even though you're just a regular Joe who buys all of his equipment at retail price, people will think you're a big dog ... while you're sitting in the general admission nosebleed seats during the weigh-in.
  15. Better days are just around the bend.
  16. Like 24/7, I prefer a medium fast tip. I'm too stupid to know I'm getting a bite sometimes, particularly on a craggy bottom, and a little bit lighter tip is more forgiving in terms of the fish feeling resistance and letting go.
  17. Vonreed, you and I may differ on other topics, but I'm with ya on this. When a guy goes out and trotlines responsibly as you did, then has this happen, that's just bullcrap. Sorry about your trouble.
  18. I'm with you on the meanmouth, Phil. Alex, you are the crankbait king of Table Rock. I believe I'd put you up against Mr. Clunn on that pond. My only question is, why are you fishing and I'm home washing/waxing my boat? It's OK, though. I'm going to Dardanelle tomorrow. Gotta get some wax on it so the stump bumps and muddy water don't leave marks.
  19. Alex, I think the problem may be those shorts. Your crank bait fish are drive-by's. Slower-moving jig fish are paralyzed by the glow.
  20. 5bites, for dragging a football jig, hula grub or Carolina rig, Donna and I always use 15-pound fluorocarbon, either Trilene 100% Fluorocarbon or Cabela's No-Vis 100% Fluorocarbon. I am 98% convinced at this point that the Cabela's line is every bit as good (and sensitive) as the Trilene for half the price.
  21. Thumbs, Thumbs, Thumbs ... a dropshot in less than 5 feet of water? Is an intervention needed? A month ago you couldn't spell dropshot and now you can't put it down. I'm starting to worry about you, my friend! It's been said that dropshotting is like another activity toward which males are inclined ... we all do it in times of desperation but we don't talk about it.
  22. I scratch my head when I read these reports stating something to the effect of "I was gonna go but it rained." Folks, for the most part, your best days on Table Rock will be the nastiest. By no means should you fish in a lightning storm --- get under a dock or off the water fast --- but don't be afraid of a little rain. Good rainsuits exist at all price points these days. Anytime the water temp starts trending downward into the low 80s as fall approaches, there will be a shallow spinnerbait bite somewhere. I usually start looking around main-lake points, throwing into a variety of depths until I locate the fish. Generally, I use a medium-fast retrieve and keep the bait in the top 5 feet of the water column. If the fish are around, they'll come up and get it. Dock corners get very good in the fall, too. You'll catch spots, including some big ol' footballs, on the outside corners and LM on the inside corners. Good luck out there. Looks like we may have some early fall fishing this year.
  23. And herein lies a critical lesson, folks ... never ever EVER splash your boat without spinnerbaits on board. Specifically, War Eagle spinnerbaits.
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