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Everything posted by Champ188

  1. I have both Shimano and Lew's spinning reels. No real complaints with either. Like Thumbs said, you need to spend $60 minimum to get a decent reel these days. I'd suggest staying away from the BPS Johnny Morris models. I have two of them combined into one now since they both started falling apart after far less than 100 hours of use.
  2. Not sure you'd want to go lighter than ML for bass fishing of any kind. I enjoy finesse fishing with 4-to-6-pound line and do it frequently, but a true light-action rod would seem to be just too whippy.
  3. There's really nowhere for the water to go right now. The White and Arkansas rivers in east and south Arkansas are still very close to flood stage and releasing the water from Bull Shoals would cause a lot more crop damage than those farmers have already endured. The lower Mississippi is also 20 feet above normal for this time of year. These flood-control lakes are doing just what they are designed for.
  4. I'm normally pretty skeptical of gadgets but by gosh I like the looks of this. I've spent $15 on far worse things. Probably gonna give this a try.
  5. I had 3 or 4 get loose in my boat the other day while 'gill fishing down here in Bella Vista ... you're welcome to come chase them down.
  6. As far as fish behavior in falling water, I believe current is always a good thing. However, the dam at Table Rock is relatively small for such a big lake, and it really isn't capable of releasing enough water to create what I personally consider to be a significant current up in the lake. You might find some active bass on main-lake points when water is coming in from Beaver and running straight thru to an open Table Rock dam. This time of year, 3/4-ounce football jigs would be my old-school way to locate these fish. Just be aware of the thermocline (probably 28-30 feet) and don't fish below it. Shaky heads in 1/4-ounce will also work if you have the patience, and so will drop shots. Good luck.
  7. The important thing is that as long as you shower tonight and don't die, the flies probably won't be on you.
  8. Are you guys absolutely sure these are bass? I'm willing to drive up from Bella Vista later this week (maybe tomorrow) and collect some to turn over to MDC for necropsy if indeed we have a problem with bass dying.
  9. Not the same lake by a long shot.
  10. Bo, are you really gonna complain about a 100-mile drive after catching a 21-pound sack that included a 6-pound LM and 5-pound SM ... in August, no less?
  11. Good job, Thumbs. Best way to learn to fish a drop shot (or anything else) is to gather up the basic info, then get out there and figure it out. You've done just that.
  12. This guy knows the Ned rig like no one else. Well, except Ned. I'd take this recommendation to heart.
  13. Sounds like a good effort. Not easy to manage a limit in August, especially in these high-water conditions.
  14. Couple of darn nice summer fish there. So much stuff in the water right now it's just almost impossible to find any concentrations of LM. Good job of keeping your bait wet and your boat moving.
  15. A bit off topic but Donna and I are planning an assault Saturday morning on the big gills and redear out here in Bella Vista.They gotta be on beds with the full moon tomorrow. Yeah, I'm thinking dinner.
  16. The Elites were here in 2014, when Mike McClelland won and Mark Davis finished 2nd. I was talking about this year ... winter/early spring 2015.
  17. Congrats, Rick. You can troll with the best of 'em.
  18. Sure would be nice. Last year just pretty much sucked. Started out OK but faded fast.
  19. Now that's just downright dadgum funny right thar.
  20. Took the question right out of my mouth, gitnby. Must be Way Back Wednesday instead of Throwback Thursday.
  21. Yeah, shoulda kept my big piehole shut. Now the knifers will take our top secret rope intel and go after the gar. Before long, we won't have anything left to fish for.
  22. I've found that purple (Grape Ape) rope works best but it can be hard to find. Skeet Yeller is a good second choice and that blue/white checkered rope (Blue Shore Minnow) will produce at times, too.
  23. Anyone running on plane under the 12 bridge should (A) be ticketed and ( be DQ'd from any derby they are fishing. As I recall, that bridge is clearly marked as an idle zone. Same with the 412 bridge up in the White River.
  24. Costa does a great job of keeping their glass lenses lightweight, so I really don't see any advantage to the plastic ones other than cost savings. And when you're buying premium sunglasses, I'm not sure price should be a determining factor anyway.
  25. Current changes everything ... stirs the water, therefore breaking up the thermocline and redistributing temps and oxygen levels. Recently, we have had lots of fresh water entering the upper (south) end of the lake and moving throughout the lake down to the dam, where it is dumping into Table Rock. Because the lake is narrower at the upper end, the current moves faster. There is also the turbidity factor, and dingy water never hurts a crank bait bite. So unlike the lower two-thirds (north) end of the lake, the river fish are more evenly distributed from top to bottom, there isn't as distinct of a thermocline and the fish are more active because the water is more oxygenated. So ... you can get a crankbait down to these fish. As for it being a lot of work, that's just fishing. Catching them consistently takes starting early, staying late and working like a dog every minute in between.
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