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Everything posted by Champ188

  1. Locked and loaded 😎
  2. Be sure to carry ice for the livewell and some form of treatment. Rejuvenade is awesome.
  3. Thanks for releasing them and again for the report. And welcome to the forum. Some of us here --- and especially me --- are very outspoken about CPR since Table Rock gets pounded by anglers but is never supplementally stocked for some reason.
  4. Amen, Bro. Vernon. I'll tee up a Titleist long before I reach for a spoon.
  5. Good trip, indeed. Thanks for the report. Hopefully all were released happy and healthy. Really hard on them in the summer to hold them in a livewell for group pics.
  6. To borrow our forum leader's saying, I'm just not that mad at em. 😆
  7. Always a school of big spots somewhere around that bluff end point beside the ramp.
  8. If you pay too many places, it's like fishing a tournament where everyone pretty much gets their entry fee back. What's the point? That said, 10 places seems reasonable in this situation but certainly no more.
  9. Nothing to see at Emerald Beach. Move along, please.
  10. Now I would REALLY hate to think I paid over $100,000 for something that said Triton on the side. (Now ducking and running in a zig-zag pattern)
  11. Is it REALLY worth all of that trouble to avoid a few miles of trailering? Not to mention getting your boat out of the elements and away from waterborne thieves. Plus the trouble of carting tackle and other equipment back and forth.
  12. Better yet, buy quality .... at least Dingers if not Yamamoto original Senkos. Can't go wrong on TR with green pumpkin candy or watermelon candy. There is a science to making Senkos where they have the right salt content to work properly and dollar bin baits are not the same as the real thing.
  13. Johnny World is setting up solar panel displays at this very moment. Endorsed by KVD, of course.
  14. Ding ding ding ding ....
  15. Well said, 176champion. There are things I'd love to have and can't afford, but like you, I'm happy for others to have them.
  16. Choices, people. It's all about choices. One person can justify what another cannot. Again, it comes down to choices and priorities. Donna and I choose to own a fairly expensive Ranger because we can personally justify the enjoyment we get out of it. I also intend to be guiding by next spring so that is another justification for us. We do not have children to support and educate so what we do with our money affects only us. Personally, I would not spend $100,000 on a bass boat. But I also will not criticize anyone who does. What each of us does with our money is our own bidness.
  17. Money is relative. If you make $1 million a year and spend $100,000 of it on a boat, then you've spent 10% of your annual income. If you make $100,000 a year and spend $10,000 on a boat, you've still spent 10% of your annual income. Even so, I doubt any of us thought 20 years ago we'd ever see a $100,000 bass boat.
  18. You know BC, I've been friends for 35 years with a Ranger rep and, of course, he said the exact same thing. There was even a video circulating at one time where Johnny was speaking at the first national dealer meeting after the takeover and saying, "I don't want to be known as the guy who screwed up Ranger Boats." But as we all know, the only thing that stays the same in this world is that everything changes. Forrest Wood was/is a shrewd businessman who made a fortune by emphasizing quality. Rangers have never been the fastest and never claimed to be. But they HAVE always claimed to be among the safest, longest-lasting and best-riding rigs around, and even those who dislike them have to admit they've backed up those claims tenfold. We will see what the future holds, but I have to say I'm glad that my latest Ranger (2013 model) still has the 45th anniversary cowboy hat and Forrest L. Wood signature emblems on it.
  19. Probably came directly down from Trump. Junior must have made some kind of deal with the Rooskies when he was over there rigging the election.
  20. Yeah, they have definitely jacked up the Comanche stripes to make them look more like Nitro. Keep it up, Johnny. You're right on track. With his ego, can't be long until he totally disrespects Forrest and puts his own name on them.
  21. Hey drs7558, that's what we are all about. Don't hesitate to post a report yourself. We aren't all "pros" here, just a bunch of good guys who like to fish and help each other catch more. And kick stuff around. Yeah, we do that too sometimes. But generally not each other unless it's in good humor. 😃
  22. Well, it took 50 years,but the world's first $100,000 bass boat is finally here. Feast your eyes upon the 2018 Ranger Z521-L. I'm told the sticker price is $98,900, with sales tax pushing the total well above the $100K mark. Wowzers.
  23. For forum newcomers, a wise man once likened the effect on our smallmouth of the Corps adding huge piles of brush/rock to the gravel on the lower end of the lake to asking a cheetah to live in a briar patch.
  24. At least it wasn't a cheetah in a briar patch.
  25. Welcome home, Randy.
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