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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by stinger160

  1. Going on a float this friday and was wondering if anyone has been on the river recently or before friday. Looking for some advice on what to throw, first time on this river.
  2. thanks yaknar i'll check withthem
  3. sounds like you are a regular on the James. I'm planning to float soon. Any advice you'd give me? I'm primarily fishing. need a shuttle and a place to stay for a night or two. suggestions?
  4. Fished last Thursday afternoon and Friday. Thursday was good, three hours. And four fish including two over four lbs.. Most on jerkbait and one on arig. Water temp 50- - 52,. Windy! Saturday focused on musky and zeroed. Bluebird skies and no wind. Did catch a couple bass on jerk baits but that was it in 8 hours of casting and trolling. looking forward to get back on pomme!
  5. If this is true, has it been reported to DNR?
  6. Do you think there is an advantage in fishing from the kayak vs a bassboat in terms of catching fish? Stealthier make a difference?
  7. Update on the hook encounter - just pulled my one stitch out. I know, what a man right! No infection so that is good. After Bill's experience I want no part of that.
  8. I'll add one more to this weekends reports. Did pretty good every day with a mix of bass, shorts and a few keepers. Arig caught my best, then swimbaits. Most pretty deep, 10-15 feet down over deeper water. Caught a limit of crappie in the kings river as well, in the brush lining the shore on small jigs. Fishing buddy dWiebenga caught a few big ones, 13 -15 inchers. I stuck with the 10 inchers. got to meet up with champ188 and Donna. Had a nice chat and heard about mr. Bill's saving a life on a guide trip. Way to go bill!
  9. stinger160


    I'm in the same boat. Just had an attack a couple of weeks ago. Only relief, iv pain drugs. Took two days to get rid of the thing. Found out I have another stone in the other kidney. Now I'm afraid to be anywhere without being in easy range of an ER!!!!!
  10. thanks to all!!! Great day to fish, good food and a chance to meet the oaf group, can't get much better than that.
  11. Bill, care to weigh in on how I might use your thoughts and translate to small public lakes in the Kansas City area. Fishing has stunk the two times I've been out. Both lakes are old with no timber in the water. Bottom with a few exceptions is largely flat. Where do you think the fish might begin staging in this situation? Another question. I'm using a lowrance lms 520. Just not seeing any fish. Upped the sensitivity in deeper water but other than seeing an occasional hump or brush pile, no fish. Am I expecting too much from an older unit with limited technology? Or am I missing something?
  12. Thanks flyfish, checked out his website and sounds like an option. What time of year do you think gives us the best chance at getting into them?
  13. Thought you guys could help me out. My son and I want to tangle with some of those redfish. Started by looking at Louisiana but am open to other places as mentioned here. Do you have any suggestions on locations and guides that you'd recommend? We're working kind of blind here so on the ground knowledge of good guides would be a huge help. Would like to use fly rod and kayaks if possible but our main goal is to get into the reds, action first and foremost then focus on the big guys. Thanks in advance!
  14. Thanks Bo!! I've done a little grub fishing on TR, need to practice with the other baits.
  15. Without stepping on toes, could you talk a little more about how you fish that depth, especially when they are suspended close to but off the bottom. Thanks in advance!
  16. Bug a salt, awesome.
  17. That is really ugly. The service guy showed me mine and it was corroded quite a bit but nothing like the one above.
  18. Hope this topic might help a few others with one of those maddening intermittent problems.
  19. Not sure on the reset issue but in two trips no warning alarm, seems to be working fine now. The service guy said the thermostat was sticking but not all the time, that appears to be why the alarm only went off occasionally.
  20. Found the problem. Warning was for overheating not oil pressure. Tracker marine in independence mo found that the thermostat was occasionally sticking shut, allowe the engine to exceed operating temp range causing the alarm to go off. New thermostat and running like a champ. Not sure why the other service shops didn't understand the reason for the issue as overheating, I would have thought the computer would tell them. Oh well, at least I'm back in business. Thanks to all that provided advice!
  21. Thanks to all that organized todays event. While the fishing was trying, the chance to meet a number of the OA folks was great. And I ate enough food for two! Look forward to the next effort.
  22. Had a problem with squirrels chewing up my gazebo. Got my kids old daisy powerline 880 out, put a scope on it and now working on a population reduction project. Puts them down pretty good when I can hit em. Out beyond about 12 - 15 yards though I'm not the best shot. And the little buggers are getting smart, when I see them in the yard and try to sneak out, the noise of the door handle sends em packing. Sure is fun though.
  23. Can you describe ripping a jerk bait?
  24. Braid or fluorocarbon and what lb test?
  25. Muffin looks like he wants to get on the water! I like the boat especially the adjustable seat.
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