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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by denjac

  1. Reminds me of when a friend and myself had just put in at Lakeside on Spring River near Carthage in a 12ft flatbottom . Had a jar of shad sides that had been in the sun a few days. When I opened the jar that shhhhhh sound came out of it. I dont have a weak stomach but it caught me off gaurd and I blew chunks. Buddy responded in kind and both of us floating downsteam past other fisherman and swimmers puking. It was such a funny siight I knew folks thought we were a couple of drunks.
  2. I though Sarah held her own considering the moderator is pro Obama and Biden is a career politican. I would call the debate a draw.
  3. denjac


    It must have been wind sheer since there was no warnings. Maybe.
  4. FYI Tina turned 70 this week, Still a great pair of legs! Gotta love her .
  5. denjac


    Thanks DD. Guess I better get down there and check my 5th wheel. I guess several RV's at the Castle had serious damage and trees knocked down.
  6. denjac


    Anybody here anything about a tornado last night in the North little Indian area? Sister in law called and said they had one at the castle and still no electric. She tends to bend the truth so was just wondering.
  7. Those bears look to close for comfort to me. Was curious if you guys have a rifle or sidearm close by? You guys slayed em, I just cant imagine that many fish.
  8. Wow Phil! Thats a good score! Did Bill Take the test?
  9. 2nd Amendment! The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. (waiting for attack) The sword is more important than the shield, and skill is more important than either.. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental. 1. Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you. 2. If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck. 3. I carry a gun cause a cop is too heavy. 4. When seconds count, the cops are just minutes away. 5. A reporter did a human-interest piece on the Texas Rangers. The reporter recognized the Colt Model 1911 the Ranger was carrying and asked him 'Why do you carry a 45' ? The Ranger responded, 'Because they don't make a 46.' 6. The old sheriff was attending an awards dinner when a lady commented on his wearing his sidearm. 'Sheriff, I see you have your pistol. Are you expecting trouble?' 'No Ma'am. If I were expecting trouble, I would have brought my rifle.' 7. Beware the man who only has one gun. HE PROBABLY KNOWS HOW TO USE IT!!! But wait, there's more! 8. I was once asked by a lady visiting if I had a gun in the house. I said I did. She said 'Well I certainly hope it isn't loaded!' To which I said, of course it is loaded, can't work without bullets!' She then asked, 'Are you that afraid of someone evil coming into your house?' My reply was, 'No not at all. I am not afraid of the house catching fire either, but I have fire extinguishers around, and they are all loaded too.' To which I'll add, having a gun in the house that isn't loaded is like having a car in the garage without gas in the tank. I'm a firm believer of the 2nd Amendment! If you are too, please forward
  10. Tests tells how old your brain is. Have to watch a group of numbers flash in front of you and then rember there order from small to largest. Visit My Website
  11. denjac


    A good friend of mine in Oklahoma his name is Tdang was a boat person in the 70's . He loves America more than most naitive born . He is a stauch Republican. He is worried about McCain from the standpoint as he was in a NV prison camp. To qoute him: I know first hand what those people can do to you, I am afraid his mind isnt right even after all these years. I assured him I think he is fine and will surround hisself with great people. Looks like he is on the right track.
  12. I was impressed with Palins speech last night. She can stand on her own two feet and go toe to toe with them. Shes a breath of fresh air, just what we needed.
  13. Kevin, I dont know whats going on there either. It looked idle to me all summer. I feel they went belly up. Looks like a strip mine there with bare hills and valleys. The back of big Indian turns red now when it rains due to clay runoff. I hope someone can get it and repair all the damage.
  14. I knew someone would find a name for our election process for this year. Electile Dysfunction: the inability to become aroused over any of the choices for President put forth by either party in the 2008 election year.
  15. Don, seen any whites? Looks like the bass are finally going back to there old haunts as the water gets back to normal. Gustav might filler back up though.
  16. I agree. McCain pulled a rabbit out of the hat. She is also easy on the eyes (thats the pig in me speaking)!
  17. These operations are already regulated to death. The DNR watches these and only issues permits if they are in compiance with lagoons and have to be so far away from any stream. What next 15 mile radious for RV parks.
  18. Laker, I agree 100%. The power bait area need to be any size for rainbows. When caught on powerbait I would say at least 25% of them are going to die I dont care how fast on the stick you are.
  19. Thanks for the lookup! My step Father did alot of canoeing on the white and buffalo back in the 40 50 ad 60's. I know he used them for that.
  20. Just inherited a hand full of old rods and two of them are mitchell 508 spinning reel with rods.. I had never seen them before. The reel have a long fork on them and mount on the very end of the rod like a fly fishing rig. Think I will give them a try for trout fishing. Anybody know the history of these and what they were used for?
  21. Found this article. Have seen the sores before in hot summer on area lakes. Starting in late summer and continuing into the fall, bass anglers have been reporting slower- than-normal fishing for black bass on Lake of the Ozarks. The uncharacteristically low tournament weights throughout the fall have supported these reports. Anglers have commonly mentioned listless behavior of those bass caught and numerous sores and lesions on the fishes skin. MDC biologists attended the day 1 weigh-in at last week’s BASS tournament to collect fish for analysis. Of the approximately 250 bass examined at the weigh-in, only 14 fish (6%) appeared to either have difficulty remaining upright in the water, exhibited significant amounts of sores or lesions on their skin, or were excessively thin. All of these fish were examined. The remaining 94% of the fish appeared to be in good health. Lately, rumors at the local boat ramps and tackle shops have attributed the poor fishing to Largemouth Bass Virus (LMBV) which has been blamed for fish kills in high-profile fisheries such as Lake Fork in Texas and has hit as close to home as Table Rock Lake here in Missouri. LMBV was detected in Lake of the Ozarks during routine spring sampling in 2001, but fish kills attributed to LMBV are typically summer events where significant numbers of dead bass fish are readily observed. Other than isolated fish, MDC officials have not received reports of dead bass at Lake of the Ozarks this year. Although several bass collected at the BASS tournament will be tested for and will likely contain the LMBV virus, completed analysis has already identified the most likely source of the problem. The fish collected at the BASS tournament were suffering from an infestation of several parasites, which occur naturally in Lake of the Ozarks and most, if not all other lakes and rivers in Missouri. Among the most prevalent of these parasites were Epistyles, a protozoan that can trigger an allergic-type response in some fish resulting in sores on the skin. Another, the bacteria Acrimonies can often cause the loss of skin and scales in heavily infested fish. Fish infected with significant amounts of these parasites often act lethargic and feed poorly. There are hundreds of different viruses, bacteria, protozoan and fungi that exist in all of our lakes and streams all of the time. Many of these can cause illness or death in fish. But only in certain situations do they cause problems with the fishery. So why this year? In this part of Missouri, 1999 and 2000 were extremely dry in terms of rainfall. During dry years, nutrients from many sources build up on fields and in small feeder creeks in the watershed. Then comes along 2001 with a more normal rainfall, including a few extremely heavy rains, which impacted a large proportion of the Osage River basin. As a result, a large quantity (2+ years worth) of nutrients gets washed into Lake of the Ozarks. This shot of nutrients is partially responsible for the numerous shad we are seeing this year, an unusually successful crappie spawn, and unfortunately, a population explosion of parasites that can negatively affect fish and fishing. A situation nearly identical to what we are experiencing occurred several years ago on Clearwater Lake. Unfortunately, when a virus or other parasite impacts a fishery in a body of water the size of Lake of the Ozarks, all that can be done is let it run its course. Presently, it is not possible to treat sick fish in large bodies of water. The good news is that these outbreaks are typically temporary in nature, only a small percentage of the population is affected, and the fisheries quickly rebound. The spring 2001 electrofishing sample indicated that the number of legal bass in both the Glaize and Niangua arms of the lake was higher in 2001 than in 2000. Unless we experience a visible fish kill, we will not know if a kill has occurred until we can compare the 2001 sample results with the upcoming 2002 sample. I hope this has answered your questions. Please feel free to call me if you have further questions. Sincerely, Greg Stoner Fisheries Management Biologist
  22. Have a good trip Bill. Need to do a Bill and Phil show way up north.
  23. Champ, maybe you need a sponser like Fish Fishbourne had. Team Grandma!!!
  24. I think alot of it has to do with the moon phase for the soft shell crawdad. They shed on or around full moon and the colors change. Or at least that has been my observation. The best color is a bright pink or red when they come out of a boiling pot of spicy shrimp boil!
  25. If McCain is smart he would pick up Huckabee for VP. It would be a slam dunk then. Not so sure I won't write in Huckabee for Pres.
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