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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Not being much of a tourney fisherman myself, I'm fine with people putting out piles. Always have heard rumors as far as people baiting piles with something like dried dog food. As far as I know it it legal to do and I've never seen a tournament ruling that says you can't fish a baited pile. Curious if anyone has seen this or if it is just a rumor?
  2. They are back in stock at TW, well except for one color that has sold out.
  3. In case anyone is interested: http://www.roaringriverstatepark.org/roaringriver/rivercam.jsp
  4. Some GP video would be cool to see, hope you can figure it out, if not Phil posts a lot of GP video and I'm sure he could help you out.
  5. I'd take that Kentuck over the rainbow - but don't tell your boss that! 😜
  6. Yep, you could win 2 tourneys in one day!
  7. For sure.
  8. Yeah but personally I wouldn't want someone that demented looking pointing a pistol at me.
  9. From a feelance journalist (Daniel Schular): "Shular recalled seeing at least one armed protester, but said that's common in demonstrations around St. Louis."
  10. So ironic - protests to get rid of the police, but the protesters are armed.
  11. Welp, so much for that, rain fizzled out.
  12. Yeah it rained for about 10 minutes yesterday and it has rained a bit this morning with more possibly on the way based on radar. I would not mind a good soaking.
  13. Staff from the Andrew Hulsey Hatchery stocked 35,880 fingerling Striped Bass in Beaver Lake last week. AGFC had to cancel the annual Striped Bass Project due to Covid-19, but was able to acquire donated Striped Bass fry from Keo Fish Farms in England, Arkansas. The fry were held in ponds at the Hulsey Hatchery to grow to an average size of 2 inches. Striped Bass in Beaver Lake have very fast growth rates and can get to 28 inches in 4 years; the newly stocked fingerlings should do really well in Beaver Lake! Thank you to Keo Fish Farm for the donated Striped Bass fry.
  14. Haven't had the flu in 10 years or so. Back when I was working I used to fly all the time, all over the US and Canada and I think I got a cold or flu at least once a year. Never got flu shots then either. Now being retired I don't come in contact with near as many people as I did when I worked and I get a flu shot very year. Seems to work. Watching CNBC today, Gilead has now priced Remdesivir - $3,000 for treatment (via IV). It is administered to people who are hospitalized for COVID. Supposedly cuts recovery time by 4 days, so you'd save on 4 days of hospitalization if it works as advertised. Gilead is under some heat because they charge $3K here in the US, but around $2K to other nations.
  15. Caught in OK: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/OKDWC/bulletins/2930741
  16. @tjm, so have you checked out the Elk lately? I haven't, but it was a zoo on the weekends in the past so I imagine it is really nuts now.
  17. Never got a chance to fish the Snake river when I lived in Washington, just too far away. Amazes me that some of these fish are repeat spawners, quite the obstacle course they have to navigate to get to the spawning grounds. https://nwsportsmanmag.com/to-the-ocean-and-back-and-back-again-the-tale-of-an-idaho-steelhead/
  18. Little Sugar creek, which flows through Bella Vista up into MO is also seeing a lot of use this year. Used to be unusual to see anyone floating it as it is fairly small, but this year it is not unusual to see some yaks. Seeing more fisherman banking it and people hanging out on gravel bars.
  19. Between Big M and Shell Knob on Table Rock there's plenty of them and have yet to see anyone targeting them. Pretty easy to find in the summer and early fall as they'll school up and be swirling around on top.
  20. The image is hilarious, but no way I am listening to it.
  21. Good grief! How in the world did you find that? I mean, who would think to do a search on Cher and the Osmonds?
  22. I suspect getting stuck in a rut more than electronics. Speaking of that, I wonder what Wheeler was throwing?
  23. I've always wondered why the more experienced guys aren't the leaders when it comes to fishing. You'd think bass fishing would be one sport (is it really a sport?) where experience would be a huge positive factor, but you always have the young guns who step in and win.
  24. Every sport there is, people have their streaks, nobody dominates forever.
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