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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Cardiac access, Suicide access, sounds like a fun place to fish.
  2. About 6 weeks ago or so, there was a blind set up on the little point in the middle of the picture. There were no geese around the ramp then either.
  3. Flock of them moved in. Almost that time of the year where they multiply. We need more goose hunters. Fishing was not bad, caught 16 bass, 6 of them being keepers. All on the Ned, all still relatively deep, in that 20-30 range. I tried some other stuff, Shad Rap, spinner bait, couple of casts with a jerk bait - no bites. I'm stuck in a Ned groove. But it's fun. Different kind of spotted bass: Best one of the day:
  4. Looking at the Johns Hopkins data, there are 213 deaths and 187 listed as "recovered". Seems like a pretty bad ratio as far as deaths compared to recovery. And I agree about the numbers, who knows if they are accurate?
  5. Nice one Bo!
  6. During my working days I used to fly all the time, all over the country. Spent a lot of times in airports, hotels and going out to eat. Met with a lot of customers on my trips and attended many a meeting, not to mention training classes and sales conferences/trade shows. You shake a lot of hands at trade shows. I would get a cold or the flu every year. Now that I am retired I hardly ever get sick. Just don't come into contact with that many people any more.
  7. Got an email from AFC today. here it is: District 1 Fisheries personnel conducted an angler survey on the Kings River from March to August 2019. We conducted 181 interviews at several accesses from Rockhouse to Romp Hole. The creel study will provide us with valuable information about the use of this extraordinary resource. During the interviews, 1,175 Smallmouth Bass were caught and only 13 were harvested (harvest rate = 1%). Biologists also had 10 game cameras on the river to get information on angler use and general use of the river. The cameras took a picture every 10 seconds and a software program allows the pictures to be put into video form to view the pictures faster. With all the camera data, we estimate that over 5 million pictures were viewed during the 6 month period!! Biologists are working up the data and will have a report finished in the next few months. The Kings River is a great resource and continues to provide some great Smallmouth Bass fishing opportunities.
  8. Cardinals are getting pretty active. There is always a pair nesting in the Burning Bush, every year. When the leaves come off the Burning Bush in the fall, it exposes the red berries and the cardinals really like those berries. Right now they are eating the Crepe Myrtle seed things. Not the greatest pic, but the males are so skittish.
  9. Not a bad idea to have food and water supplies on hand, never know what nature will throw at us. And like N9BOW says, Ramen noodles aren't that bad. I used to eat them for lunch quite often during my working days.
  10. Couple of flakes falling right now, but it won't amount to anything in this area.
  11. I have eaten the freeze dried meals on hiking trips, it beats canned Army C-rations, but it's not something I would want to live on unless necessary. Better than nothing. No I haven't bought any of it (yet).
  12. Map from John Hopkins showing virus locations. https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
  13. Just filled up today, $2.05 which was a drop of 3 cents/gallon the last time I filled up. I think big oil is just messing with our minds. šŸ˜ƒ
  14. They look interesting as they have a weedguard . Only available in 1/8 oz however. https://jewelbait.com/shop/details/gem-series/gem-shad-20-3-pack
  15. Thanks - weather report looks pretty good for early next week. Seems like we're in a pattern where we get a couple of nice days, then a front comes in and we have a few bad days, then repeats.
  16. If it is clear right now wherever you live, if you look off to the southwest, there's a bright crescent moon with the planet Venus (also very bright) just a few degrees above it. Neat sight in the sky.
  17. Launched out of Big M today around 0915. I started later today as the forecast called for fog and cold and I hate fishing in ice fog. Well when I got to Big M it was still right around freezing and still foggy. Fortunately the sun burned though and it warmed and really did feel like spring out there once the afternoon rolled around. Had to work for them today, caught 13 total, 3 keepers, biggest being a smallmouth that was a crawdad short of weighing 4 lbs. Fish were scattered, almost all my bites came in 20-30 FOW of points, steep rocky banks, and run out rocky ledges on a couple of cove mouths. Fishing the Ned rig really slow, as a matter of fact had several bites on the bottom below the trolling motor - I think those bass are just swimming along, following the bait and when I stop it, and just shake it a little, for 10-15 seconds they'll pick it up. Been fishing a new Ned type bait called a "Sukoshi Bug", it's in the pic with the largemouth. So far it hasn't fished any better that the traditional cut Zinker, but it does catch fish and it is something different to show them. Water is still a stained green color, maybe 5 feet of viz. Forgot to check the WT, but I'd guess 47 or so.
  18. Heck no, It's great info, I like having it on here just in case the day comes that I decide to get serious about walleye fishing.
  19. Another Riley's fan here. They rent boats and also can guide you. I'd look at getting a reservation in soon if you're coming in spring/summer.
  20. Very nice! Wish I would've seen this before I went out today, LOL. Should've thrown a Keitech...
  21. It's $2.08 down here, we're getting ripped off!
  22. Interesting how the oil and gas markets are reacting. Gas futures for February are down 6 cents/gallon. I guess people are seeing a potential for a decrease in travel and therefore less demand for petroleum products near term.
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