Had an early morning DR's appointment (annual checkup), so didn't get to the lake until 1130. Wind was cranking when I got there, much windier than I expected, probably would've stayed home if I had known how windy it was, but I was there so put the boat in the water and headed out.
The bite was decent, I caught 14 bass, all between 12-15 inches, mix of largemouth and spots with 2 meanmouth. All on the Ned, fish were in the 10-20 foot range as far as depth. I packed it in after 4 hours, just got tired of fighting that wind. Would've been a good day to have an Ultrex.
Tried new rigging for my Ned fishing. First 4 bass I caught on my standard 6 lb. InvisX, had another rod rigged with braid, fluoro leader, and a Nutech crappie jig as the jig head for the cut Zinker. Caught my last 10 bass on that setup. I liked it, the braid will outcast my InvisX set up by easily 10-20 feet, and it really magnifies the bite, you can really feel it. Helped a lot fishing in that wind. Didn't break off that Nutech head, liked that too.
WT 45