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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. The web page is up and running, you can select a team. I believe the first tourney, St Johns river starts 2/7.
  2. Well there you go, you haven't read it, and can't provide any basis for it being inaccurate. You're right you are guessing, nothing more than that.
  3. Yeah, I'm still up for an OA fantasy league, I agree it's just not the same with so many of the big names leaving for the BPT, but what the heck, as Aarchdale says new folks should make it interesting.
  4. Did you read the document that he provides the link for? It's based on radio tagged fish, 33% either died or "expelled" their tag (whatever that means). It's not simply a "guess" it's based on those tagged fish. Now those observations could be wrong, that expelled tag thing is kind of puzzling or maybe fish that are tagged are subject to higher mortality. That being said, it supposedly agrees with mortality rates observed in other experiments - how they came up with those numbers in the other experiments, I have no idea without reading what their method was, but it's based on something, not a guess.
  5. Some nice quality fish, too windy today for me, but glad to see someone is keeping those fish on their toes!
  6. Stuck in the cabin, lots of time on my hands so was checking to see if BASS had launched anything on the fantasy front. Site says they will start on or about Jan. 21 (take note Abkeenan). Should be an interesting year with a bunch of guys new to fishing the Elites. Saw this article while there: https://www.bassmaster.com/fantasy-fishing/hunt-keeps-bassmaster-fantasy-fishing-title-pennsylvania
  7. This meme had me laughing.
  8. It's in NW Arkansas west of Bentonville almost on the Oklahoma border. It's mainly a bass lake, but does get stocked with channel cats. Crappie are few and far between, but last year I know that AGFC was considering stocking crappie fingerlings to give the crappie population a boost. They've been stocking redear fingerlings for a while now, mainly as bass food, but you'd think it would have some good redear fishing, never have tried for them myself. Downside is the lake really gets hammered and it's small, I think about 700 acres.
  9. That phantom RTP call on Jones was indeed very bad, even as a Pats fan I had to cringe at that one.
  10. I drove over to Swepco a couple of weeks ago, to check it out, didn't take the boat and didn't fish. The parking lot was full which surprised me, it being Monday. A couple of yaks came out and also a bass boat while I was there, between the 3 of them, they had one bass. I don't think the plant was generating at full power and when that happens it always shuts the fish down. With this cold snap, I have to think they are running the plant and pumping out that hot water which should help the fishing. Those FL strain bass should be spawning soon. I want to go over there myself, but I am a weather whimp and it looks like the wind is going to blow the next couple of days, then we're back in the freezer for a while.
  11. Sons of guns are going to sorelip all the bass before we get a chance. It ain't fair!
  12. My condolences to Chiefs and Saints fans. Thought I was going to develop and ulcer watching the AFC championship. Glad to see the Pats win, but I have to admit I feel a little bit sorry for Andy Reid. What a game! Saints got shafted by the refs. The officiating was bad in both games, but I'd say the Saints got hosed more than anyone.
  13. Yep, I second that. My impression of that post was that it came off almost like spam, his first post and it had an embedded Facebook link - no way I was clicking on that link. And we've got guides and fishermen on here that have fished this lake for years, any new poster needs to be aware of that, you really have to be careful about what you say especially if you reference other fishermen, unless you know them. An for crying out loud, don't mention filleting bass or Champ will be all over you like a grizzly bear on a pork chop. 🙂
  14. I've been using the Nutech jigs a lot this year, they don't get hung up near as often and have great hooks.
  15. Something seems to have turned them off.
  16. Fishing near a dock the other day, uncovered bass boat in one of the stalls, stern sticking out past the roofline of the dock, not on a lift, down by the stern, no telling how much rainwater is in it.
  17. Man, all you needed was a cottonmouth in there for the trifecta!
  18. Megabass is coming out with yet another version of the 110. The +2 is supposed to get down to 12 feet. Tackle Warehouse claims they will have them in stock Feb. 8.
  19. I might have a strong enough case of cabin fever by then that I might make the drive up there. Is there a schedule for the seminars?
  20. I was wondering if anyone was out on the Rock today.
  21. Looks like that crazy maniac made it back safe and sound to his keyboard. 🙂 Hope you got into them!
  22. OK, post up your pics of any big fish you catch this year. Can be any species and is relative to species, so an 8" bluegill would be a "big" bluegill. Your standards apply, if it is "big" to you, then it is worthy of posting. I haven't caught any big fish yet, so no pics from me, but I hope to remedy that soon.
  23. What's the shore access like? Might drive over there one day, I like fishing from the bank every once in a while.
  24. Love those chunky spotted bass like the one in your pic.
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