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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Sorry guys, been on the White river for a few days and missed the jig question. That's a Tightline jig, I think it is what they call "Mama Bream". 1/2 oz FB jig with a Yamamoto GP twin tail grub as a trailer. I have also used a 3/8 oz Nutech finesse jig in 3/8 oz with the same trailer. If the wind isn't bad I'll go 3/8, if it starts blowing I'll go 1/2.
  2. Fellas, please leave me a spot in Cedar Gables if you get there before me, I have to stay there as my dog is with me and there is a no dog policy at the River Villa.
  3. Waaaayyyyy back in posts #1 and #2 in this thread, the suggestion was fish fry Friday night, Muddy's BBQ Saturday night. Thursday night is grazing on whatever is available, and it sounds like there is plenty to graze on.
  4. In the "Hotel" thread you started, Bill Babler offered to provide you some info if you PM'd him - give him a shout, you'll be glad you did. I haven't been out there for over a week now, but as Bo said, most of the fish were deep. I did get some smallmouth shallow, but no green fish, dragging jigs. Maybe this cold front will change things. Did see a report where some nice greenies were caught in the back of a cove on buzz baits, maybe that is worth a shot.
  5. Do a search on Amazon.
  6. Well I know that I won't be running 45 years from now.
  7. You might want to post your question in the Beaver lake forum. My 2 cents is that some of those stripers will move back into the coves when the water gets cold. It can get dangerous to throw a jerk bait around trees.
  8. There is room for you. We can try and remember to leave the doors unlocked if you come in late, dunno if anyone will be awake if you come in late. Might be hard to figure out where to sleep if the lights are out. Just don't wake up Griz, his moniker is Griz for a reason. We don't have anything reserved for Sunday night, if you and anyone else wants to stay Sunday night, I'm sure you could work something out with Miles. I am leaving Sunday morning.
  9. I think somebody is, just can't remember who. I have tartar sauce (forgot to mention it) - I have 4 of those 12 oz containers of it - hope it is enough.
  10. OK, well I have 14 staying now. Myself Wounded One Phil and Duane Johnsfolly Griz Stinger160 Terrierman +2 Little Red Billethead JestersHK Jdecoudre $1350 for the total, so we're at about $100 each for 3 nights. We have 2 places, which means 2 refridges and stoves, keep that in mind when you are stowing food that is perishable, no need to stuff it all in one fridge.
  11. I have plenty of utensils/plates/cups, just picked them up at Sams. I also got ketchup, mustard, cole slaw, tabasco sauce, napkins and a couple of cases of water. A couple of loaves of bread and some lunch meat. Probably not enough lunchmeat if everyone packs a sandwich, so if people want to bring lunch fixings (for out on the water), might be a good idea.
  12. TR and Beaver are not bad walleye fisheries. Certainly not easy fisheries, but good quality fish are there. 18" minimum limit helps I believe.
  13. You channeling your inner Spock?
  14. Yeah darn front will probably change things. Hopefully for the better.
  15. I can't think of anything else we need food-wise, but if anyone thinks of anything, chime in.
  16. Went over to Indian Creek early in the AM and fished with Mike M. Early it was flat calm, as you can see from the pic. That's when the fish were biting. The smallies were hitting jigs and there was top water action, mostly stripers but a few black bass also. We caught the smallies dragging 1/2 oz football jigs with craw or twin tailed grubs dragging them in 5 - 20 FOW. Once the wind picked up, and it really started blowing, the bite slowed down. We totaled about 15 bass, mostly smallies, but a couple of spots and one largemouth. One smallie went about 3 lbs., the rest were in the 12-16" range. I had two stripers blow up on a pencil popper, one was a huge explosion, but he missed the popper, had another blowup, just felt a tick, but he didn't get enough of the lure. Saw one boat fishing for striper that came in a bit later after the wind picked up, he was in the right area, don't know if he caught any. Saw water temps from 57-59, given the forecast that won't last. Quite a few eagles back in Indian if anyone wants to do some eagle watching, that's not a bad place to go. Saw some turkeys too.
  17. Went over to Indian Creek early in the AM and fished with Mike M. Early it was flat calm, as you can see from the pic. That's when the fish were biting. The smallies were hitting jigs and there was top water action, mostly stripers but a few black bass also. We caught the smallies dragging 1/2 oz football jigs with craw or twin tailed grubs dragging them in 5 - 20 FOW. Once the wind picked up, and it really started blowing, the bite slowed down. We totaled about 15 bass, mostly smallies, but a couple of spots and one largemouth. One smallie went about 3 lbs., the rest were in the 12-16" range. I had two stripers blow up on a pencil popper, one was a huge explosion, but he missed the popper, had another blowup, just felt a tick, but he didn't get enough of the lure. Saw one boat fishing for striper that came in a bit later after the wind picked up, he was in the right area, don't know if he caught any. Saw water temps from 57-59, given the forecast that won't last. Quite a few eagles back in Indian if anyone wants to do some eagle watching, that's not a bad place to go. Saw some turkeys too. This post has been promoted to an article
  18. No problem, $1375 total and it looks like 15 right now. We could make it $100 each, and that would cover it and leave a $125 tip.
  19. Buzz-Bait fish, I am jealous!
  20. Congrats!
  21. Fished with my buddy Mike today, wish I could give a report with lots of fish catching, but it was a bit slow. I did catch 8 smallmouth, 3 of them were right around keeper size, the rest shorts. All the fish were in one cove on a shelf rock bank with scattered trees. They liked a 3/8 Nutech jig with a twin tail grub trailer. They were aggressive, hit hard, no doubt when they grabbed that jig, but it was only on that one stretch of bank. Fished some other, similar banks with Ned and jig and nothing doing. Weird day to catch some smallies but not one spot or largemouth. I think the green dudes are still out deep. There was some scattered top water activity mid-channel, but hardly worth chasing. Had a good one come off close to the boat. Mike had a tough day, he had one good bite and that was it. I'll needle him about it next time out, but thought it was a good idea to keep quiet about it on the way home.
  22. Yeah that's funny, they must have some really old people working there. They'll probably claim Washington crossed the Delaware in one of their boats.
  23. I'm not familiar with that end of the lake, but I have found that many of the COE parks on the lake have quite a bit of shore access. You may have to scramble around a bit on the rocks, and duck through some bushes, but I bet you can find enough bank to stay busy. Personally, I'd throw a Ned, not going to cost you much when you get hung up and have to break off, and you should be able to get a bass or two (assuming that is what you are targeting). I'd look for deep water close to shore to fish. Water is down some now which helps.
  24. If my memory is correct, I believe last winter they took it down to about 906 or so. I don't know if that is normal policy or not, but it would not surprise me to see it down there again this year.
  25. Just took a look at the level chart, it's dropped almost a foot in the last week.
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