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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Yep no doubt a government secret operation. They're going to send two crate of guns and a crate of BassPro t-shirts to North Korea. In exchange the NK's will give up their nuclear program. That's my conspiracy theory and no one can disprove it. And if you did disprove it, I wouldn't believe you.
  2. Hope you get into them! Being one that always checks the wind forecast before venturing out, I have learned that they seem to consistently under forecast wind speed. It almost always blows harder than the forecast.
  3. I didn't say I hated them, I really don't care if they are in a lake or not. I just don't care. And I'll just say this, and others have said this also, you're not helping your carp cause by antagonizing people and making up BS. The best thing you could do is get out and fish for them, show us what you caught, how you caught them etc., ( and catching them locally, not in some Brit carp pond). I bet if you posted some reports, or had some of the other legions of LOCAL carp fishermen that you say are out there post reports on LOCAL lakes you might generate some interest. There's a Carp forum on OA, get your buddies that you claim are out there fishing these lakes to post some reports, tell us how it is done, show us those 30 lb. carp.
  4. I've caught a few carp in my lifetime, and feel absolutely no desire to fish for them. Just not into bait fishing, and when I do fish bait, I'd rather chase bluegills, crappie, or cats.
  5. I'm not a deer hunter myself, but good luck and looking forward to seeing the results.
  6. I have not seen one single person on Beaver, Table Rock or numerous other lakes around here fishing with all the European carp gear. Let alone seeing Brits fishing for anything, though I am sure there are a few fishing the White. Could be a person or two that has a forked stick propping up a rod on the bank may be targeting carp, but I have yet to see one single person fishing with the Euro gear. And why would you? Who needs an alarm to tell you you've got a bite? Unless you passed out from boredom waiting 3 days for a bite, because apparently they spend hours preparing "ballies" (whatever they call them) to use as bait, but yet they can't get a carp to bite on them unless they fish for a week, heck, I ball up some wet Wheaties on a treble hook and maybe wait 15 minutes and ol' bugle mouth will be all over it.
  7. Nice one! Me and a buddy were out there today, we caught 15 but only one was a keeper largemouth. My buddy lost a pretty good sized tiger striped smallmouth right at the boat. We were doing the Ned and jig thing. Didn't see one other bass boat on the water today, saw a rig at the launch but didn't see them out on the lake.
  8. The classic one is seeing someone backed halfway down a single lane ramp that decided it is time to do some outboard motor maintenance.
  9. I'm pulling for you, looking forward to seeing you whip this and getting back out there and catching fish!
  10. I didn't see any sign of turnover, but then again I don't know what to look for. Water is getting clearer by the day, that I can tell.
  11. That's when they are the best!
  12. Hopefully this is a turn of the corner and not a head fake. I talked to several experienced Table Rock fishermen over the last couple of weeks and they are all talking about how tough it has been the last couple of months.
  13. Another cold and windy morning, talked to a guy that came down to his dock to check out his boat and he told me that it was 41 degrees at his house. It did warm up later in the AM, but is sure felt good at the end of the day to be in the truck with the heat on. Fishing started out pretty slow, tried a few places that held fish Monday, but they didn't pan out. I scratched out a half dozen by noon and stopped on one last chunk rock bank that always holds fish in November and it gave me another 9 or so in about 45 minutes. They were all Ned fish, and the earlier fish were split between Ned and a 1/2 oz Nutech Grass jig. The later fish were up pretty close to the bank, 5-10 FOW. Earlier fish were deeper in the 10-20 FOW range. So it turned out to be a decent day compared to what I have been catching, 15 total, 2 keeper smalls, and some spots that were chunky, but I doubt if any of them made the 15" mark. Only caught one largemouth. Definitely location specific, I fished a lot of marginal water with only a bite every once in a while. WT 60-61. Meanie? A different colored smallie. Ye olde TR 14" spot.
  14. Another cold and windy morning, talked to a guy that came down to his dock to check out his boat and he told me that it was 41 degrees at his house. It did warm up later in the AM, but is sure felt good at the end of the day to be in the truck with the heat on. Fishing started out pretty slow, tried a few places that held fish Monday, but they didn't pan out. I scratched out a half dozen by noon and stopped on one last chunk rock bank that always holds fish in November and it gave me another 9 or so in about 45 minutes. They were all Ned fish, and the earlier fish were split between Ned and a 1/2 oz Nutech Grass jig. The later fish were up pretty close to the bank, 5-10 FOW. Earlier fish were deeper in the 10-20 FOW range. So it turned out to be a decent day compared to what I have been catching, 15 total, 2 keeper smalls, and some spots that were chunky, but I doubt if any of them made the 15" mark. Only caught one largemouth. Definitely location specific, I fished a lot of marginal water with only a bite every once in a while. WT 60-61. Meanie? A different colored smallie. Ye olde TR 14" spot. This post has been promoted to an article
  15. Battery Outfitters also has a location in Springfield. They may have Interstate and OEM them. I do know that they stand by their warranty, at least they have for me. I stopped by their HQ in Golden just the other day and they swapped out my TM batteries for me. 5245 S Campbell Springfield MO 65810
  16. Saw one this summer on the bank when I was fishing at Table Rock. First and only time I have seen one in the wild. It was on a steep rocky bank with some brush around, matched right in to it's background, if it had remained motionless I probably never would have noticed it.
  17. Cool, I'll drink Nescafe instant if I have to, but would rather have the good stuff.
  18. Awesome, I have to have coffee in the AM.
  19. Try going to the browse tab, then select gallery. You can create your own photo file in the gallery and can re-size your photos there and put them in your posts using the insert other media drop down and selecting your gallery. Of course that assumes they aren't too big to load into the gallery. Nice fish, congrats!
  20. BTW, I can't remember if they had coffee filters at the lodges? They did have coffee makers didn't they?
  21. I think we have 18 staying, don't know if any of the non-stayers would show for breakfast.
  22. Went out yesterday in the cold, wind and drizzle. I was hoping for a crank bait bite, but in spite of trying pretty hard to get them to bite it, all I got was one 12" spot on a crank. Switched to my usual fall back when all else fails baits (jigs and Ned) and started to get a few fish. Nothing earth shaking, but got 10, mostly on the jig, a few on the Ned. One keeper smallie, one short largemouth, and the rest spots, a couple of those being right at the keeper mark. Mostly deep fish in the 10-20 FOW range, had one good thunk shallow in front of some buck brush, but couldn't keep it on. The bite was a little better than it was a few weeks ago, maybe because of the weather. Surface temp was around 62. Water is getting clearer, I would estimate maybe 4 feet of viz.
  23. Went out yesterday in the cold, wind and drizzle. I was hoping for a crank bait bite, but in spite of trying pretty hard to get them to bite it, all I got was one 12" spot on a crank. Switched to my usual fall back when all else fails baits (jigs and Ned) and started to get a few fish. Nothing earth shaking, but got 10, mostly on the jig, a few on the Ned. One keeper smallie, one short largemouth, and the rest spots, a couple of those being right at the keeper mark. Mostly deep fish in the 10-20 FOW range, had one good thunk shallow in front of some buck brush, but couldn't keep it on. The bite was a little better than it was a few weeks ago, maybe because of the weather. Surface temp was around 62. Water is getting clearer, I would estimate maybe 4 feet of viz. This post has been promoted to an article
  24. I forgot the Menace Grub, another one of their baits I like, especially early in the spring.
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