From AGFC:
Redear Sunfish Thriving in Bull Shoals Lake
During spring sampling on Bull Shoals Lake, biologists observed good populations of Redear Sunfish, some measuring up to 12 inches. These sunfish, named for the striking red flap on their gill coverings, prefer spawning beds located on pea gravel pockets and points. Late spring is an excellent time of year to catch Redear Sunfish. Anglers can successfully catch them using various baits such as red wiggler worms, crickets, and fly fishing gear.
Redear Sunfish are also commonly called "Shellcrackers" due to their appetite for mussels and snails. Considering the presence of Zebra Mussels in Bull Shoals Lake, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission stocked Redear Sunfish into the lake in 2015, 2016, and 2018 in hopes they would take advantage of the abundant mussels. Judging by current observations, the Redear Sunfish population is thriving in Bull Shoals Lake!