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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Thanks Bill, great information as always.
  2. List updated.
  3. Good catch Patrick, thanks!
  4. Probably won't be open. Never has been the last two tourneys.
  5. He hasn't been back since he posted the message. I'm going to have to email him and give him a hard time.
  6. I know Morgan, fished with him once, and I know he knows his way around internet forums like this one. I'm pretty sure he's just being humorous or if you like, "trolling". Anyway, I don't think it's anything we need to get upset about.
  7. Cool, hope you make it.
  8. Doc, we'd love to have you, if anything feel free to stop by and say hi.
  9. Start time 0630 (but you can start late if you like) Weigh in at Eagle Rock COE park 1430. Looks like we are going to have a lot of food. Only requirement is that you be an OA registered member. Eagle Rock is about an hour from Rogers. Rules are posted on the Table Rock forum.
  10. Didn't see any dads, but didn't really look for them.
  11. Sorry, I cleared out a few so should be good to go.
  12. Yep 24, congrats on the weight loss. I need to drop a few dozen myself. You're right, banking it can burn some calories. Fish for a couple of hours, next thing you know you're half a mile away from your vehicle.
  13. See what you did? Now I want a pic too. Please Mr. Mitch.
  14. Very cool. I need to start throwing them.
  15. To be really covered, you need two of each color, just in case you have a monster break off the one color that is the hot color for that day.
  16. I believe it was a 2 day tournament, still great bags weighed in, but when I first saw that 31, I was thinking it was one day and I thought Holy Toldeo!
  17. Beautiful bass Donna, congrats!
  18. Sounds good 96, bring that water and thanks for doing that.
  19. HAHA, that is FUNNY!
  20. HAHA, yeah it was "rehab". But you are right, anything that involves walking is considered rehab for these knee replacements. I spent about 3.5 hours yesterday on my feet fishing and that was enough to get my knee barking at me.
  21. 2 broke leaf springs and a bent axel.
  22. Tatula CT is $129.99 at TW. I have the prior Tatula, came out before they CT and is now apparently discontinued. But the regular Tatula casts well, seems to be reasonable as far as backlashing. Good value for the money IMO.
  23. I had no problem with Ish until I picked him for this tournament. Now, I don't like him. The freakin' guy won on Big O back in 2012, and now he can't even make the cut? Sheesh.
  24. Boat trailer is messed up, it is now at JWM getting fixed. So I am now prowling the bank. Spent a few hours over at Viney today, tossed the Ned, basically throwing it out as far as I could, slowly hopping and dragging it back to the bank. Got bites from as far out as the end of my cast all the way up to the bank. Had one of those days where I got a lot of bites, but only banked about half of them, 16 in total with 2 keepers. It was fun, I love fishing out of my boat, but had a good time fishing off the bank. With the water being low, there is a lot of bank to fish around Viney, I only fished a bit of it. Here's a shot of the best stretch of bank, just some rocks, but it does drop off to about 20 feet not far off the bank. Also caught a few on bare gravel.
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