Boat trailer is messed up, it is now at JWM getting fixed. So I am now prowling the bank. Spent a few hours over at Viney today, tossed the Ned, basically throwing it out as far as I could, slowly hopping and dragging it back to the bank. Got bites from as far out as the end of my cast all the way up to the bank. Had one of those days where I got a lot of bites, but only banked about half of them, 16 in total with 2 keepers. It was fun, I love fishing out of my boat, but had a good time fishing off the bank. With the water being low, there is a lot of bank to fish around Viney, I only fished a bit of it.
Here's a shot of the best stretch of bank, just some rocks, but it does drop off to about 20 feet not far off the bank. Also caught a few on bare gravel.