Got out this morning with OA member Muddy Water. We launched at about 0530, it was cold and foggy. Foggy enough that we did not get too far from Big M, couldn't get to where I wanted to go in that fog. It worried me that we couldn't get to the good spot, but we found the top water bite anyway, and it was a pretty darned good one. Not sure exactly how many fish we got, I did count mine, but I didn't count Muddy's. We probably got between 50-60 in 5 hours of fishing. Maybe 40 on top water and another dozen or so on Keitechs and other paddle tail baits and a couple of c-rig fish. 4 or 5 largemouth that were between 2 -3 lbs., a bunch of 14-16 inch spots, and a smallie (on a c-rigged UV Speed Craw) that was just short of 4 lbs.
That double above is a mean that was a little over 17" and the spot was about 16".
If we would have put very bite in the boat, we would've caught over a 100. Just a great morning. We also caught a half dozen white bass on top of everything else.
Mr. Babler is right about that Keitech, I was using the 3.3" on one of Dave's 1/8 oz Ned heads. Only thing I would change is maybe use one with a #1 hook instead of a #2 for those smaller 3.3 Keitechs. Only drawback to the Keitechs is they are so darned soft. Hard to get more that 2-3 bass out of one.
Fish were out in the main lake off a point, and we got a few off a cove point that was near 60 FOW.
Water temp was 71.
Shad are spawning - how do I know that? Well, while we fishing off the point, there were a bunch of shad hanging around the motor and the transom splashing around. Got back to the ramp, and as I was wiping down the boat, noticed that there were small fish eggs sticking to the transom and the motor. Never have had shad spawn on the boat, but I guess there is a first time for everything.