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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Saw this dude on Beaver lake today, I believe it is a rat snake. Saw it swim from a dock to the bank, thought it was a cottonmouth at first, but it wasn't quite floating on top like they do. Big snake, about 4 feet long.
  2. Saw it on the BBC board, but it is an article from somewhere. Maybe from the GA DFG?
  3. Hey Bo, are you fishing a trailer on the Blitz? I have been thinking about trying those things, they sure look like they ought to catch fish.
  4. Swepco is really bad on Saturdays in the winter. I am fortunate to be able to go over there during the week, but even then it can feel a bit crowded. But, that lake kicks out fish, and average size is really good.
  5. That's a nice bass. Based on what I've been hearing, fishing has been tough.
  6. Glad to hear you had a great trip. Those smallies are a hoot!
  7. I find a lot of crank baits walking the banks of lake Tackle Warehouse.
  8. This is what I tell myself also. ^^ I try to only get annoyed at the people who pull in front of me, almost within casting distance, and then fish down the bank going the same way I'm going. I don't mind if someone comes in behind me and fishes behind me, or if they are fishing faster than I am, I'm OK with them going around me if they ask and are polite about it. If a guy is throwing squarebills and moving down the bank fast, I'm fine with him passing me and getting in front if I'm fishing slow, bottom contact stuff. And if I get mad, what am I going to do? Best thing to do, as others mentioned, is to pull up the TM and go somewhere else.
  9. Thanks buddy, have a safe trip back home!
  10. Wow, that is pretty wild, I would be a bit freaked out if it happened to me.
  11. HAHA, when I read these words, I hear the voice of Al Lindner speaking them.
  12. I hope I can remember to check back in on it in a few years to see if it makes a difference. Remembering to do that will be a challenge.
  13. The really bad characters carry clickers.
  14. Saw this on another site - looks like GA is giving it a try. Bass Stocking Experiment on Lake Allatoona CARTERSVILLE, Ga. (8/7/2013) Nearly a quarter-million largemouth bass now swim in Lake Allatoona as part of a newly begun three-year study by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division. This study, which will help assess the effectiveness of stocking largemouth on this lake, involves stocking bass fingerlings (1-2 inches) each year through 2015. Largemouth bass are a common native bass species found throughout Georgia’s lakes, ponds and rivers and anglers in the state spend more days fishing for bass than any other freshwater species. Largemouth bass are found in Lake Allatoona, but are far less common than their cousin, the spotted bass. Both species are native to the water body, but the population balance has shifted towards spotted bass. “Largemouth bass currently make up only 10-20 percent of the black bass population on Lake Allatoona,” said Jim Hakala, fisheries biologist. “They were much more abundant decades ago than they are today.” Over the last decade there has been a growing call from bass anglers on this lake to enhance fishing quality by improving largemouth abundance. Largemouth bass typically attain larger adult size than spotted bass, a trait favored by many bass anglers. If this multi-year stocking experiment works, then largemouth bass may eventually comprise a larger proportion of the black bass population in the lake. In addition to the fingerling bass stockings, several thousand larger bass (5-8 inches) will be stocked each fall. This will allow biologists to evaluate the stocking success between two different size classes of largemouth as they grow into adults. Research indicates that fingerling largemouth do not travel far from their stocking location. Therefore, most fingerlings will be stocked from boats in shallow backwater habitats throughout the lake to give a better chance at survival. In recent years, largemouth fingerlings were stocked into Lake Nottely in north Georgia to reverse declining largemouth bass abundance. The early results of that study have shown promise for increasing largemouth numbers in a spotted bass-dominated lake. “These findings suggest there may be a chance to improve largemouth abundance in Allatoona through stocking,” said Hakala. While the stocking phase of the Allatoona study is set to last through 2015, fisheries staff will monitor largemouth bass abundance through 2018, as they grow to adult size. This will help biologists assess the contribution of stocked fish to the Allatoona largemouth bass population through time, and guide future management decisions.
  15. Thanks for that Moguy. Amazing how they don't have the qualifying info on their website. I wonder who they determine who qualifies for the "Classic Bracket"? I'm thinking it is all the winners of the Elite events this year, excluding BassFest.
  16. Has the ice melted off the lakes up there yet?
  17. I missed the sheephead (is that a drum in Yankee speak?), but when I saw him, he was fishing a worm on a shaky head.
  18. I released them, they would have made some good eats, but I have a hard time getting motivated to clean fish after fishing all day.
  19. I've been using the Zoom Ultra Vibe Speed Craw.
  20. Got out at 6 AM, fish were biting really well early, and quite a bit of top water activity was going on. Then things really slowed down about 1030 AM. Coincidentally this is about the same time I saw Champ out on the water, dunno if his presence had anything to do with the bite drop-off, but I could not help but notice the complete shut down of fish activity. Caught 20 bass, 3 keepers. Most on the c-rig with a craw, I think about 5 or 6 on top water, on the Spro Rat and a Spook, but none of the top water fish were over 12". Did have a huge blow up on the spook, it knocked the spook about 4 feet in the air, but no hook-up. I would really have liked to have caught that fish. Caught a flathead on the c-rig,next cast caught a walleye on the c-rig. I bet I will never again catch a flat head and a walleye on back to back casts. Water temp 63-64. Didn't see too many beds, but spotted some 12" bass cruising the shallows.
  21. Nice slabs!
  22. Was up the White today, water is stained, 3 feet of visibility maybe? Didn't see too many beds when I did a little looking around, but saw some 12" bass swimming the shallows looking for real estate.
  23. I've had some jerk baits do some damage to fish. You've got three sets of super sharp trebles on a 4.5" lure and they can get snagged up in all 3 sets.
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