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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. The lakes I fished in Massachusetts were thick with perch, problem was finding ones that were big enough to keep, they are excellent eating. They usually are out a bit deeper than the bluegill and they like red worms.
  2. They're all going to be at the BPS store in Springfield on 2/13 giving seminars as part of the Spring Classic sale. My question is - should I wear my Zona jersey or my KVD jersey?
  3. Big M lot has dried dirt and sand on it also. Not a big deal, but it is interesting to see how much dirt must have been suspended in that high water. Saw one of those big hay rolls about 15 feet up on the bank down lake a bit.
  4. Good deal, thanks for the update.
  5. No doubt you shoot someone in a parking lot, they'll confiscate the weapon and they'll put you under arrest until you can convince them that it was self defense.
  6. My guess is he meant to say 1-3 inches per second. I think just about every pro has a different take on the suspensions thing. I've heard from one guy or another that you want a slow fall, or have the bait suspend horizontally, or tail up, or head up.
  7. I'm not totally opposed to government funded college education, but I'd also like to see a credible plan that pay for it, and you can tax billionaires, but even they don't have enough dough to pay for this plan. And I don't want to hear the old rising economy will pay for it argument either. Put together a tax plan that is real and pays for the cost. And putting people through diploma mills doesn't mean that when they get out that there will be good jobs waiting for them, part of the problem I'm hearing now is that kids are graduating from college with tuition debt and they then can't find a good paying job. We need quality jobs also for the graduates.
  8. Huge difference in today's economy and the post WWII economy. We manufactured everything here in the 50's and 60's (cars, furniture, clothing, shoes, appliances, TV's, steel). We'll never have an economic boom like that again, and to hope that we'll ever have an economic boom that will solve our debt is just going to get us further in the hole. As Ness mentioned above we are committed to a huge amount of spending going forward, annual deficits are projected to head back to a trillion dollars per year, and that's assuming reasonable growth in GDP. What if we have another recession? Not to mention that interest rates are historically low and are being held down by Fed policy. When rates normalize we're going to have to spend a huge chunk of money just to service that debt. And if we ever have a government debt induced financial crisis, we'll be screwed, the risks are huge. We can either control this debt through some kind of reasonable policy, or let it control us. Doing nothing, and hoping that our economy will magically and painlessly solve this problem for us is a recipe for disaster.
  9. And it was a re-run. All of those segments were originally 1/2 hour shows. They ran about 3 years ago, maybe 4.
  10. That is some good fishing! Thanks for the report.
  11. Thanks for the heads up, DVR is set.
  12. Should The Bern win out, he would have a big problem with Congress going along with his agenda. I see Hillary as being more pragmatic and willing to work with Congress to get things done, I'm no Hillary fan at all BTW. I like the Manhattan project model in regards to energy research. But, you have to remember that the Manhattan project was done is complete secrecy, no Congressional involvement, no public knowledge. VP Truman didn't know of it's existence until Roosevelt died. Prior to detonating the first A-bomb, Oppenheimer was a little bit concerned that the detonation might cause some kind of uncontrollable atom splitting chain reaction that could destroy the world - probably a thought that would have caused some concern to the Congress and the public if it had been an open program. Any giant energy project funded by the feds will have public and congressional involvement, I'd like to think we could pull it off, but I just don't think we can do that kind of stuff anymore unless it is under circumstances of extreme duress. My biggest concern is our 19 trillion (and growing) debt. We've already mortgaged the future, kids entering the workforce now are going to be effected by this debt for the rest of their lives. All I'm hearing from the candidates on both sides is about the spending programs they want to create, free college tuition, building walls, tax cuts, etc. No word about paying for any of that stuff. It's all about getting elected, the heck with the consequences. I'm not excited by any of the candidates.
  13. Yes sir, it was buried on the TR forum, once we get a month away, I'll start beating the drum a little more. http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/topic/52723-oa-one-bass-tournament-2016/
  14. It is getting closer..
  15. Nutech website is one place: https://nutechlures.com/index.php/crappiejig1-8.html
  16. Soon to be renamed the Bass Pro Ranger Flash spoon, (Couldn't resist either).
  17. From about point 23 it turns from brownish to greenish, and gets a bit cleaner as you get up towards Eagle Rock. It's fishable as far as visibility, but still pretty stained by Table Rock standards.
  18. I got out today early and launched at 0700. I'm going to start calling the Upper White the Missouri North Pole. It was upper 40's to 50 on the ride over, but once I dropped down into the Roaring river valley it dropped to 30. It was 32 degrees at the launch. Fortunately it warmed up pretty rapidly. I caught 13 today, 2 keepers, biggest was an LM that ate a Rock Crawler, it was probably a little short of 3 lbs. It was the only RC fish I caught. Caught a 12 inch smallie on a jerk bait, the rest of the fish came on the Ned. 8 of the Ned fish came on a 100 yard stretch of bank inside a cove, 20 FOW around trees, the rest of the fish I caught were scattered, one here and there. Ramp crows - There's a trio of crows hanging around the Big M ramp, tied the boat up at the dock, drove the truck up and parked it, got out and saw those 3 clowns in my boat looking around no doubt for something to eat. I've seen these dudes before at the ramp, they also like to check out the truck bed for any goodies that may be in there. They'd better not crap in my boat.. When I started fishing in the AM, I had some loons calling out on the lake, and heard some gobblers talking back in the woods. Saw several eagles during the course of the day, and a herd of about a dozen deer. Great day for observing (and hearing) wildlife. The Crawler eater: A Ned eating spot: Joe with one that ate a jerk bait on Thursday:
  19. OA wiener roast? Plenty of wood for a good fire..
  20. Thanks much!
  21. Yes 5 bites, the water is cleaner upriver. We didn't go all the way to Eagle Rock, but I assume it's clean up there also.
  22. Fished with board member Little Jasper (Joe) today out of Big M. We started out fishing some stained water on some locations between point 23 and the mouth of the Kings, we didn't do much as far as numbers, but Joe got an LM about 3 lbs. on a jerk bait, and I caught a walleye that I didn't measure, but it was probably 21-22" long. The wallie came on a Ned. We moved upstream quite a ways to get into some clearer water, and we were able to get on some fish later in the afternoon that were deep around pole timber. Didn't catch a lot, but by the end of the day we had around 15, with 3 that were keepers. Ned and shaky head fish. Water temps were 44-45.
  23. I'm happy with no weeds lakes. Love fishing rocks and gravel. I've lived in places where all the lakes are weed beds with lily pads, it can be fun to fish in that stuff at times, but I don't miss it. I don't think it helps the fishing either, maybe on those TVA lakes it does, but I don't know if these lakes around here would be any better with weeds.
  24. Happy Birthday Mr. B!
  25. Nice!
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